Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,152

copies of the complete report on that ongoing investigation. Griega will get it to us when it’s ready.”

“You think these two are serial killings?”

Hedgelin raised his hand as if to halt Jaid’s line of thought. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I don’t want the media even considering that idea. It’s going to be all I can do to control what they get regarding the facts surrounding Reinbeck’s death. The manner of deaths was completely different. We’re a long way from tying the two homicides together at this point.”

“But the religious connotation of the notes give us a link worth following up on.”

The deputy director didn’t reply to Shepherd’s observation. Instead, he took off his glasses to polish them with his handkerchief, a habit Adam recalled from their time partnered together. “We’re in the midst of having all the evidence gathered for the Samson homicide transferred from the state crime lab to Quantico, where it will be given top priority. If there’s a link to be found in the evidence, we’ll soon know about it. In the meantime, another team is looking into connections between the two men. We still have a large group of DCPD officers canvassing the area surrounding last night’s shooting. Once we have ballistics back, agents will be assigned to trace those leads.”

Despite his cautionary note regarding a serial killer being responsible, it was obvious the bureau was looking closely into a link between the cases. “What about the threats the justice received? Depending on how many clients took a bath on the financial collapse, Samson probably had more than his share of enemies, too.”

Adam’s comment elicited a nod from Hedgelin. “Since it’s the USMS Judicial Security Division’s duty to anticipate and deter threats to the judiciary”—his voice was heavy with irony—“they’ll have a thorough file on any targeting Reinbeck. It’ll take some time to compare them to those received by Samson. You won’t be involved in that end of things. Right now you’re headed over to the Supreme Court building to help with the interviews there. It’s the JSD’s turf, so play nice. With over three hundred permanent staff members alone, it’s going to be a daunting task, made worse because it’s a Saturday and they’re all being summoned in to work. You’ll be part of the contingent focusing on the staff who worked most closely with the justices. There are close to forty clerks, four fellows, administrative assistants, and God knows who else in there with direct access to the judiciary. Your first focus will be on Reinbeck’s clerks and his admin.”

His attention shifted to Shepherd. “Take Raiker to security and pick up a temporary ID badge for him.” His smile was thin as he included Adam in his glance. “They’ll need to take a picture for it. Shouldn’t take longer than fifteen minutes or so.”

Barely restraining a grimace, Adam rose. Photos were a necessary evil at times, but one he avoided at all costs whenever possible. It clearly wasn’t going to be possible this time around. And the realization already had him feeling surly.

When the agents rose as well, Hedgelin looked at Jaid. “Agent Marlowe, if you’d stay for a minute?”

The order couched in the request had Adam’s instincts rising, but he didn’t look at her as he and Shepherd headed to the door. He’d been given a reprieve. He had the next ten or fifteen minutes to figure the best way of handling the constant proximity of the woman who represented the biggest regret in his life.

Since she wasn’t invited to sit again Jaid remained standing, her eyes fixed on the executive assistant director. The pseudocivility that had permeated his voice for the earlier briefing had vanished. The gaze he regarded her with was hard. “I had an opportunity to speak to Shepherd earlier. I’m going to tell you the same thing I told him. I want Raiker supervised at all times. He doesn’t conduct interviews alone. He doesn’t follow up on any leads without one of you accompanying him. The bureau may have had its arm twisted into including him on this case, but damned if we’re going to sit still and allow him to turn this thing into another chapter for his sensationalized memoirs.”

There was absolutely no reason for his tone, his words, to have her hackles rising. Feigning puzzlement, she asked, “He’s writing his memoirs?”

Hedgelin sent her a sharp look but she knew her expression was blank. She didn’t wear her emotions on her face anymore. Adam Raiker had begun that lesson, all those years ago. Life had completed it.

“I’m certain you know what I mean. You’re to keep him firmly contained within the investigative parameters you’re given. In addition to the report you or Shepherd file online nightly, I want details on Raiker’s behavior. His thoughts about the case. Who he talks to. Anything he says of interest.”

In short, she was to spy on him. Just the thought filled her with distaste. She’d run her share of surveillance ops in her career, but reporting on another member of her team was especially abhorrent. Especially since she suspected his most grievous crime was his mere presence in this investigation. The petty politics involved in the agency was her least favorite aspect of the job.

But she knew how to play the game. Or at least how to appear to. “Understood.”

He stared hard at her, long enough to have her flesh prickling. “I understand you knew him when he was with the agency.”

“I took a class he taught for the BAU.” The words were delivered in a bland voice. And didn’t reflect the sudden weakness in her knees. “Worked a couple cases with him after that.”

Hedgelin gave a nod, as if satisfied. “It’s to our advantage that you and Shepherd are on a friendly footing with him. That should keep him off guard. Just be sure you don’t let that friendship interfere with your duties regarding him.”

“It was a long time ago.”

He picked up a folder on his desk and opened it, clearly dismissing her. “Join them in security.”

Without another word Jaid turned for the door. She’d seen Adam twice in the last eight years. Each of those times he’d been in CCU, clinging to life. It had taken a wealth of strength to accept this assignment, realizing it would place her at his side for days, possibly weeks on end. She’d convinced herself that she could handle it. Could handle him.

But it had never occurred to her that she might be called on to betray him.

Berkley Sensation Titles by Kylie Brant






Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

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