Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,129

be a man to give it up easily. They were well matched.

Because neither would she.

Her resolve suffered a jolt when his hand slid up her thigh, branding her with heat. The edge of her T-shirt didn’t stop him. He halted only at the elastic and lace panties that she wore beneath it. And she knew his hesitation wouldn’t last for long.

His mouth found a spot beneath her ear that she hadn’t known was sensitive. And when he teased it with tongue and teeth, the floor rocked a bit beneath her feet. A strange sort of lethargy was creeping into her limbs. Weighting her down while reaction skipped along nerve endings, firing an answering response.

In sensual retribution, she hooked a finger in the elastic waistband of his shorts. Traced the boundary where fabric met flesh across his abdomen. Then abruptly lost her concentration when she felt his hand slip inside her panties to cup her butt.

Tearing her mouth away from his, she pressed it blindly to his chest. To trace with lips and teeth every hard angle and hollow found there. Nate smoothed his palm over one cheek and squeezed lightly, before his palm reversed its path, moving to the front to trap the moist heat between her legs.

A slight moan escaped her as his fingers stroked her damp flesh. And suddenly it was important to wrest control of the pace. Because she didn’t want slow and wouldn’t last through languorous. Which meant she needed to drive him a little bit crazy as well.

She drew her leg up to rub against his, losing herself for a moment in the sensation of hair-roughened skin against her flesh. She traced a finger over the straining length of him, once. Again. Was rewarded by the sound he made, something between a curse and a groan. And reveled for an instant in his response.

Without warning, he swept her T-shirt over her head and paused to enjoy the sight of her breasts, peaked and waiting. Leaning forward, he caught a nipple between his lips and sucked strongly from her. And her senses began to fragment.

Distantly his words echoed across her mind. I want it all. Whatever you’ll give me. And then more. She knew the demand should frighten her. It would have, if she didn’t reciprocate it fully.

Risa wanted everything he had to give. Everything he’d seek to hold back. And somehow, she’d managed to still those inner alarms that he might just manage to elicit the same unbridled response from her.

With more haste than finesse, she pushed the shorts over his hips. Freed him from their confines and shoved the fabric down his thighs. With short, swift movements, he divested himself of them before scooping her up in his arms and walking with her back toward the darkened hallway. And into his bedroom.

She would have liked a chance to look at the area, to see what she could learn of the man from the space he slept in. But desire was twisting through her, clawing for release. He dropped to the bed without releasing her and rolled to stretch out atop her. And this time when his mouth found hers, there was an edge of desperation in his kiss.

Recognizing it would have been more satisfying if it didn’t whip up an answering frenzy of need. She clutched his hard biceps. Tested the shoulders layered with muscles. The sleek expanse of his back. The tight, curved butt. And every nerve inside her stretched as taut as a bow.

There was a ferocious hunger in the sweep of his hands over her breasts. Raw unvarnished passion in his touch, just shy of rough. He left her for a moment, and her eyelids dragged open uncomprehendingly before his weight settled again and his mouth went between her thighs.

It took only the first stabbing movement of his tongue against the hypersensitive cluster of nerves to have the orgasm slamming into her. Eddies spiraled endlessly. She struggled for breath. Twisted away from that demanding mouth.

But he held her legs in place, knees bent and splayed outward, leaving her vulnerable. Sensitive. And lavished stroke after sensual stroke with lips and tongue until need—so recently satiated—began climbing again.

Risa withstood the sensual assault as long as she could. But the next time she pushed at his shoulders, he relented. Raised his head. And she sat up, pressed him back on the bed and straddled his thighs.

There was a purely masculine smile of satisfaction on his lips. One that would have bothered her if she Copyright 2016 - 2024