Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,124

to enjoy and then leave without regrets. Without memories haunting her. And knowing that was just one more reason to maintain her distance.

Until she had her own life in order, she certainly didn’t need to complicate someone else’s. Especially someone who came with his own set of complications.

“Ah . . . let me change those sheets.”

Relieved that he’d managed to break the awkward silence, she turned into the kitchen. “I’ll find the pizza.” She rummaged in the freezer and found one before preheating the oven. Then she headed out the front door to her car to retrieve her purse and the sack containing the personal items she’d bought that day. Locking her car, she headed back into the house. Nate still hadn’t reappeared so she unwrapped the pizza and put it in the oven. Then gave in to the urge to look around.

There was more here that gave away the personality of the people living in it the house than her own apartment would, Risa mused. The mandatory big screen would be Nate’s choice, of course, as was the leather furniture. But the gaming system and pile of kids’ game cartridges would belong to his nephew. Tucker.

She stepped closer to examine the photos on shelves that lined one corner of the room. There were many of a darkhaired boy. Swinging. Riding a bike. Singing into a mike. A few featured the boy with Nate. A couple with a woman with long dark hair and a strong resemblance to Nate who had to be his sister. And some older photos of a much younger Nate and Kristin posing with a couple that were probably their parents.

But despite the photos, there was little in the house that stamped it with Kristin’s personality. Or any woman’s.

“Okay, maid service performed.” Nate appeared in the hallway behind her. “If you want to follow me, I’ll show you where you can put your things.” She trailed behind him. “Here we go.” He reached into a room to flip on the light. “Bathroom is next door.”

There was a bit more here to mark it as a female’s room. The half-open closet door showed a few hangers that hadn’t been vacated. There was an eight by ten of Kristin with Tucker. Another of her parents at some sort of formal function. A vase of dried flowers.

But none of the items had been important enough for her to take along with her.

“Tuck’s room is down the hall. Next to mine. He doesn’t sleep well some nights. It helps to have someone right next door.”

She set her bag and purse on the bed. Studied his expression. “You miss him.”

He ran his hand through his dark hair. And didn’t try to hide the worry in his expression. “I had him for nearly two years, from the time he was three. Kristin dropped him off one night for a round of babysitting and forgot to come back.” His mouth twisted. “It was an eye-opening experience for me. But eventually things worked out. I shopped around for a good pediatrician. The doctor was the one who first suspected Tuck was autistic. And after the diagnosis was confirmed I saw that he got special education services. Read up on the disorder.” His expression was bleak. “It was a steep learning curve, I’ll admit that, but we had started to get a routine going.”

“And then Kristin came back.”

He inclined his head. “She’d spent her last few months away getting sober. And I couldn’t undercut that by taking her to court. Getting full custody. But I didn’t totally trust her sobriety either.” His smile lacked humor. “Kristin’s been on the wagon before. She doesn’t so much fall off it as leap. I’m afraid . . . I’m afraid this disappearance means a repeat of old patterns. Only this time she’s involving Tuck.”

There was a tug in her chest. And more than a little admiration. She knew she wouldn’t have handled it nearly as well if she’d found herself the unexpected guardian of a small boy.

She’d failed one boy who had relied on her in the most hellish way imaginable.

“Maybe Cass has found out more,” Risa said shakily, beating back the old memory before it could lodge and sink its fangs deep into her chest.

“I’ll check with her again tonight. If she has solid information placing them in Atlantic City, maybe I’ll call another buddy of mine who went private. Have him track down their hotel.” He stepped back into the hallway. “Guess we’d better check on Copyright 2016 - 2024