Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,109

it, she tried to recall. “Mom is pretty security conscious. She’s lived in Philly all her life, and some of the neighborhoods I grew up in weren’t the best. I’ll ask her, but I don’t think she would have left the windows open all night. Ordinarily I’d notice something like that but . . .”

“You’d had a helluva night already.”

She nodded at Nate’s words. “I’m almost certain they weren’t open, but again, I can’t be positive. The thing is, I didn’t get in until close to three. A CSU team was just finishing up after the shooting.” She looked at both the men. “If someone did set it, there was very limited opportunity to do so.” Unless, of course, she thought with a chill, he’d been inside the house all along. Waiting. Watching. Her skin prickled. Hannah didn’t get off work until two A.M. She’d probably barely gotten home before Risa had herself. Someone would have to know their habits.

And been intent on killing them both, not just destroying the house.

“I’ll find out who was assigned to the crime scene,” Morales said. “See if anyone saw any activity around your place.”

There’d been plenty of activity around it that evening, she thought with a pang. If someone had entered and lain in wait, he’d have had to be in the basement. Just a couple hours had passed between nightfall and her return from work. And then once the ambulance and police had been on scene, how likely was it that someone could have crept into the house unnoticed?

Doubt reared. She was tired. Maybe more than a little paranoid. After the events of the day, she was entitled. It would be all too easy to second-guess her conclusions.

Except that the drawing pad had disappeared. She believed her mother when she insisted she hadn’t removed it.

And there was one person who might find the sketches in them a threat.

Belatedly, she realized the two men were waiting for her to respond. “I’ll talk to Hannah tonight about it.”

Eduardo shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. “You two have a place to stay?” His expression went wry. “Not saying my place is the Ritz, but we can juggle the kids, free up a bedroom. It’s yours for as long as you need it.”

Touched, she smiled at him. “Thanks, Eddie. I’d like to come by sometime to see Renee and the family, but I don’t want to disrupt your home. The hospital released Hannah this afternoon and I’ve already got her situated.” And the argument she’d lost in that regard still rankled. “The next-door neighbor is the son of my mom’s best friend. She’s gone now. But he offered to let her stay there.” Hannah was jittery enough to be attracted by that familiarity, Risa realized now. She couldn’t go home, but she was as comfortable in Eleanor’s house as she would be in her own. Surrounded by a neighborhood that represented the longest time she’d spent in one place in . . . well, maybe in forever.

Some of the earlier ire she’d felt when they’d had this discussion faded. Although Risa would prefer having her mother with her, it might be safer for the older woman if she wasn’t.

Because if the offender had targeted Risa on account of those sketches, he just might try again since she’d survived the fire. She’d like Hannah far away from her if that happened.

“That still leaves you,” Eddie pointed out.

She waved a hand. “I’ll get a hotel.” Not one close to work or the hospital, as she’d already found out when she’d spent an hour on the phone that afternoon. It was Saturday, after all, and a sell-out concert, coupled with a home game for the Phillies, was making the search challenging. Risa had no doubt she’d have better luck looking farther out. The thought held little appeal. Which is why she decided more calling could wait a few hours. If nothing else, she could stretch out in the CCU waiting room that evening.

Apparently satisfied, Morales switched the subject. “Doubtful this has anything to do with us, but I did get word of another police slaying last night.”

Risa practically bolted upward in her chair. “What? Where?”

“Nothing like our case. The victim’s name was Joseph Mauro. It would have been ruled a suicide. The victim definitely ate his gun. Gray matter all over the place. Residue on his hand. But he had a different caliber bullet in his chest and that weapon wasn’t found. Had to have been a second Copyright 2016 - 2024