Deadly Dreams - By Kylie Brant Page 0,103

kept in the dark still stung, but Nate had to grudgingly accept that the explanation made sense. At any rate, there was nothing to be done about it now. “And did you find a match?”

In answer, Morales opened the envelope and withdrew several photos, arrayed them in a row. The first one Nate recognized as Johnny from the video. The next several were obviously department ID pictures. The captain tapped the final picture. “Walter Eggers. Been on the force over three decades. This is his most recent. And here’s an added note of interest—he’s the subject of an Internal Affairs investigation.”

Nate’s interest sharpened. “Corruption?”

“Excessive use of force.” He pushed away from the desk. “Proving corruption will be on you. You can start by getting him in here.” He stood, making no move toward the door, and Nate’s chest tightened.

“There’s more?”

“Cass Recker has been removed from the task force.”

“What?” Anger flared, mingled with dread.

The captain looked sober. “Internal Affairs doesn’t like the company she keeps. And a few days ago Donald Larson was questioned in conjunction with a burglary ring. They found a department cell phone on his person that had been issued to Recker.”

Nate wanted to drop his head to the desktop and start banging it. His jaw tightened. “Is she implicated?”

Morales hesitated. Then, sharing more than he probably wanted to, he said in a low voice, “Calls to another suspect in the ring came from her phone. Larson isn’t doing her any favors. Claims she must have made them. She’s been suspended with pay while the investigation is ongoing.”

Sick at heart, Nate looked away. He’d never claim to have all the answers, but people like Kristin and Cass just never seemed to learn. You could tell them a million times they were in the path of an oncoming train, and each time they’d let it run over them and then wonder what the hell had happened.

Morales moved to the door. “I don’t have to tell you that this is confidential.”

“No,” Nate said bleakly. “You don’t have to tell me.” The captain went out the door after casting him one last look that was not without sympathy. When the door closed behind him, Nate scrubbed both hands over his face and then regarded the ceiling blindly. What the hell could happen next?

Since no answers were forthcoming, he reached for the most recent picture of Eggers and turned it over. Morales had obligingly written the man’s contact information on the back. Withdrawing his cell phone, he punched in the number. His mood had taken a turn for the vicious. He figured there was no better time to question the man who might hold the key to this entire case.


Turning around at the familiar voice, a smile spread over Risa’s face. “Ramsey!” She hugged the other woman, real delight filling her. Although they were colleagues, caseloads kept Raiker’s employees scattered across the country. Their paths didn’t cross often enough.

They parted, and Risa took a quick visual assessment. The woman’s light brown hair was still streaked with highlights that owed nothing to a bottle, but it was longer than her usual shaggy short style. Those shrewd green gold eyes were the same, though, and they regarded her now with a bit of trepidation in them.

“Where’s the new husband?”

She jerked a thumb toward the hallway behind them. “Dev’s getting coffee for everyone. Even the feds like him. He’s good at keeping people at ease.”

He was, Risa recalled. She’d met him only the one time at the couple’s wedding several months ago, but his charm had been readily apparent. As was his devotion to his wife.

“Marriage agrees with you.” She said it lightly, was prepared for the slight grimace she got in response. Ramsey was a self-acknowledged commitment-phobe, so everyone had been shocked when she’d announced her engagement.

“Having Dev agrees with me. He’s a traditional guy, so marriage it is.” Her expression went wry. “He’s also sneaky as hell. Had me in a white dress standing in front of a church before I knew what hit me.”

Risa laughed. Followed her friend’s gaze to Adam’s CCU room across the hall. After returning a glower with the agent stationed outside it, she ignored him. The curtains were closed over the sliding glass door. “Is the doctor in with him?”

Shaking her head, Ramsey lowered her voice. “No, I’m supposed to be in there. I strong-armed Burke into giving me his next turn since we just got here. Then in waltzes some broad I’ve never seen before, and Paulie Copyright 2016 - 2024