The Dead Zone Page 0,41

those things are bills. They got to be paid by the fifteenth of the month. They get written in red ink. Now you see how many people are in here drinking right now? I got to be careful. I got to ...”

“Just my point,” Dohay broke in smoothly. “You have to be careful. And the purchase of three or four lightning rods is a careful purchase. You’ve got a going concern here. You wouldn’t want it wiped out by one stroke of lightning on a summer’s day, would you?”

“He wouldn’t mind,” the old campaigner said. “He’d just collect the insurance and go down to Florida. Woon’tchoo, Brucie?”

Carrick looked at the old man with distaste.

“Well, then, let’s talk about insurance,” the lightning rod salesman interposed. The man in the gray fatigues had lost interest and had wandered away. “Your fire insurance premiums will go down ...”

“The insurance is all lumped together,” Carrick said flatly. “Look, I just can’t afford the outlay. Sorry. Now if you was to talk to me again next year ...”

“Well, perhaps I will,” the lightning rod salesman said, giving up. “Perhaps I will.” No one thought they could be struck by lightning until they were struck; it was a constant fact of this business. You couldn’t make a fellow like this Carrick see that it was the cheapest form of fire insurance he could buy. But Dohay was a philosopher. After all, he had told the truth when he said he came in to lay the dust.

To prove it, and to prove there were no hard feelings, he ordered another beer. But this time he did not match it with one for Carrick.

The old campaigner slid onto the stool beside him.

“About ten years ago there was a fella got hit by lightning out on the golf course,” he said. “Killed him just as dead as shit. Now, there’s a man could have used a lightning rod right up on his head, am I right?” He cackled, sending out a lot of stale beer-breath into Dohay’s face. Dohay smiled dutifully. “All the coins in his pockets were fused together. That’s what I heard. Lightning’s a funny thing. Sure is. Now, I remember one time ...”

A funny thing, Dohay thought, letting the old man’s words flow harmlessly over him, nodding in the right places out of instinct. A funny thing, all right, because it doesn’t care who or what it hits. Or when.

He finished his beer and went out, carrying his satchelful of insurance against the wrath of God—maybe the only kind ever invented—with him. The heat struck him like a hammerblow, but still he paused for a moment in the mostly deserted parking lot, looking up at the unbroken line of roof-ridge. $19.95, $29.95 tops, and the man couldn’t afford the outlay. He’d save seventy bucks on his combined insurance the first year, but he couldn’t afford the outlay—and you couldn’t tell him different why those clowns standing around yukking it up.

Maybe some day he would be sorry.

The seller of lightning rods got into his Buick, cranked up the air conditioning, and drove away west toward Concord and Berlin, his sample case on the seat beside him, running ahead of whatever storms might be whistling up the wind behind.


In early 1974 Walt Hazlett passed his bar exams. He and Sarah threw a party for all of his friends, her friends, and their mutual friends—more than forty people in all. The beer flowed like water, and after it was over Walt said they could count themselves damn lucky not to have been evicted. When the last of the guests were seen out (at three in the morning), Walt had come back from the door to find Sarah in the bedroom, naked except for her shoes and the diamond chip earrings he had gone into hock to give her for her birthday. They had made love not once but twice before falling into sodden slumber from which they awoke at nearly noon, with paralyzing hangovers. About six weeks later Sarah discovered that she was pregnant. Neither of them ever doubted that conception had occurred on the night of the big party.

In Washington, Richard Nixon was being pressed slowly into a corner, wrapped in a snarl of magnetic tapes. In Georgia, a peanut farmer, ex-Navy man and current governor named James Earl Carter had begun talking with a number of close friends about running for the job Mr. Nixon would soon be vacating.

In Room 619 of the Eastern Maine Medical Center, Copyright 2016 - 2024