The Dead Zone Page 0,119

he muttered. “He did it right here.”

Images and textures and sensations flooded in. The copper taste of excitement, the possibility of being seen adding to it. The girl was squirming, trying to scream. He had covered her mouth with one gloved hand. Awful excitement. Never catch me, I’m the Invisible Man, is it dirty enough for you now, momma?

Johnny began to moan, shaking his head back and forth.

Sound of clothes ripping. Warmth. Something flowing. Blood? Semen? Urine?

He began to shudder all over. His hair hung in his face. His face. His smiling, open face caught inside the circular border of the raincoat’s hood as his (my) hands close around the neck at the moment of orgasm and squeeze ... and squeeze ... and squeeze.

The strength left his arms as the images began to fade. He slipped forward, now lying on the stage full-length, sobbing. When Bannerman touched his shoulder he cried out and tried to scramble away, his face crazy with fear. Then, little by little, it loosened. He put his head back against the waist-high bandstand railing and closed his eyes. Shudders raced through his body like whippets. His pants and coat were sugared with snow.

“I know who it is,” he said.


Fifteen minutes later Johnny sat in Bannerman’s inner office again, stripped to his shorts and sitting as close as he could to a portable electric heater. He still looked cold and miserable, but he had stopped shaking.

“Sure you don’t want some coffee?”

Johnny shook his head. “I can’t abide the stuff.”

“Johnny ...” Bannerman sat down. “Do you really know something?”

“I know who killed them. You would have gotten him eventually. You were just too close to it. You’ve even seen him in his raincoat, that shiny all-over raincoat. Because he crosses the kids in the morning. He has a stop sign on a stick and he crosses the kids in the morning.”

Bannerman looked at him, thunderstruck. “Are you talking about Frank? Frank Dodd? You’re nuts!”

“Frank Dodd killed them,” Johnny said. “Frank Dodd killed them all.”

Bannerman looked as though he didn’t know whether to laugh at Johnny or deal him a good swift kick. “That’s the craziest goddam thing I’ve ever heard,” he said finally. “Frank Dodd’s a fine officer and a fine man. He’s crossing over next November to run for municipal chief of police, and he’ll do it with my blessing.” Now his expression was one of amusement mixed with tired contempt. “Frank’s twenty-five. That means he would have had to have started this crazy shit when he was just nineteen. He lives at home very quietly with his mother, who isn’t very well—hypertension, thyroid, and a semidiabetic condition. Johnny, you put your foot in the bucket. Frank Dodd is no murderer. I’d stake my life on that.”

“The murders stopped for two years,” Johnny said. “Where was Frank Dodd then? Was he in town?”

Bannerman turned toward him, and now the tired amusement had left his face and he only looked hard. Hard and angry. “I don’t want to hear any more about this. You were right the first time—you’re nothing but a fake. Well, you got your press coverage, but that doesn’t mean I have to listen to you malign a good officer, a man I ...”

“A man you think of as your son,” Johnny said quietly.

Bannerman’s lips thinned, and a lot of the color that had risen in his cheeks during their time outside now faded out of his face. He looked like a man who has been punched low. Then it passed and his face was expressionless.

“Get out of here,” he said. “Get one of your reporter friends to give you a ride home. You can hold a press conference on your way. But I swear to God, I swear to holy God that if you mention Frank Dodd’s name, I’ll come for you and I’ll break your back. Understood?”

“Sure, my buddies from the press!” Johnny shouted at him suddenly. “That’s right! Didn’t you see me answering all their questions? Posing for their pictures and making sure they got my good side? Making sure they spelled my name right?”

Bannerman looked startled, then hard again. “Lower your voice.”

“No, I’ll be goddamned if I will!” Johnny said, and his voice rose even higher in pitch and volume. “I think you forgot who called who! I’ll refresh your recollection for you. It was you, calling me. That’s how eager I was to get over here!”

“That doesn’t mean you’re ...”

Johnny walked over to Bannerman, pointing his index finger like a Copyright 2016 - 2024