The Dead of Winter - By Lee Collins Page 0,84

have gone off to San Francisco and started up your print shop."

Ben's brow furrowed. "Come on, now, you know I'd never do such a thing."

"Sure you would," Cora said. "Why, you'd leave me to rot in a vampire nest if it meant pulling one of your books out of a fire."

Her husband didn't reply. His shoulders slumped as he sank into a sulk. A silence settled between them, and Cora watched the distant buildings draw nearer. Every so often, she would turn in her saddle and check behind them for any sign of pursuit. She didn't figure James and his men would have fallen yet, but nothing would stop the vampires from bypassing Harcourt's retreat and attacking the town. If they did, she and Ben would have their work cut out for them. If not, it would be a dull evening. Cora sighed at the thought. Another long night of alternating watches that might not even be necessary. It always irked her when the monsters they hunted didn't have the decency to show after she waited up for them.

Cora ran out of patience. "Oh, stop your sulking. You know I was just joshing you."

"I hope you don't really think that," Ben said. "You know I'd face down a whole pack of hellhounds with my bare hands if it meant saving your life."

"Of course I know that," Cora said. "I wouldn't be in this business with you if I didn't."

Ben smiled. "Me neither."

Once they made it back to Leadville, they made straight for the Northern Hotel. They tied the horses to the post out front, giving them a much-needed rest. Back in their room, Cora began digging through their trunk for cloves of garlic while Ben started sprinkling holy water on the door and windows.

After a few moments, Cora cursed.

"What is it?" Ben asked, looking over at her.

"No nails," Cora said. She held three garlic bulbs in her hand. "How are we supposed to hang these above the door with no nails?"

Ben thought for a moment. "No way that I can think of. I guess we'll have to make do with setting them out around the room."

Cora tossed one at the table. It rolled along the top and came to rest against the wall near the far window. She set another on the bed between the pillows, then slipped the last one into her pocket. Her face grew serious as another thought came to her. "You'll need to leave that crucifix here."

"Why?" Ben asked, his hand dropping to where it was tucked into his belt.

"We'll need something stronger than garlic if that chief vampire feller shows himself," Cora said. "From what we saw in the mines, he don't seem the type to be squeamish around garlic."

"I don't see how you figured that," Ben said as he handed over the wooden cross. "James said it was a human that broke down the crosses in the tunnel."

"Just a feeling I got," Cora said, taking the crucifix. She pushed the trunk shut with her boot and propped the crucifix up against it so it faced the door. She looked around the room, then nodded to herself. "I reckon that's about all we can do for it."

"So what's the plan?" Ben asked.

Cora thought for a moment. "You run on down to the marshal's station and let Duggan know what's happening. I don't know what he'll be able to do, really, but at least he won't be surprised when them vampires start killing his townsfolk."

"You said he was an Irishman, right?" Ben asked. "Could be he's a religious man. Might have a cross or two of his own to lend."

"The more the merrier," Cora said. "While you're seeing to the marshal, I'm going to stop by the Pioneer."

Ben frowned. "This ain't the time to be drinking."

"I spent all afternoon sober, and look where it got us," Cora said. "That poor old man got his throat torn out, and James got all his crosses smashed."

"Ain't neither one of them on account of your being sober," Ben said. "I don't want to ride against no vampires with a drunk partner, even if it's you. You'll get us both killed or worse."

Cora laughed. "Take that bee out of your bonnet. I just feel like getting me a drink or two and having a word with old Boots is all."

"Boots?" Ben asked. "You sure that's a good idea? We don't even know what he is."

"No, but that ain't no reason not to find out," Cora said. "The way I figure, Copyright 2016 - 2024