The Dead of Winter - By Lee Collins Page 0,32

toward them, revolver at the ready.

As Jack ran, he saw several flashes as the figures fired into the shadows across the street. He looked where they were firing, but couldn't see anything except a row of lights winking in the darkness. When he reached the other men, he crouched down next to them and pointed his pistol in the same direction.

"Glad you could join us, deputy." The voice belonged to Mart Duggan.

"What's going on, marshal?" Jack asked, winded from the sprint.

"Seems that crazy bitch was right. Murray and me got the thing cornered, but–"

Duggan fell silent as a shadow lurched into view across the street. It stood on two legs like a man, but it was far too tall. Long arms hung down from a ten-foot height, brushing across the thing's knees as its fingers curled and flexed. Jack squeezed the trigger, adding the crack of his Schofield to the roaring of Duggan's Colt. On the other side of the marshal, he could hear the clap of a Winchester rifle in the hands of Deputy George Murray.

The creature reeled from the impact of the bullets, but it kept its feet even after Jack's revolver was empty. Shells skittered across the snow as he snapped the gun open. He reached down to pull more bullets from his belt, then cursed at his own stupidity. His ammo belt still lay on the floor in Annabelle's room.

The marshal's fingers reloaded his own gun with practiced ease. Across the street, the shadow crouched, its knees and elbows rising above its back as it lowered itself toward the snow. It watched them for a moment, swaying like a giant spider. Then, as the marshal slammed the Colt's cylinder back into place, the creature sprang toward them with a piercing screech. Jack flinched at the sound, his gun falling from his hand. He heard Duggan fire once before a long white arm slammed into him, knocking the lawman backward into the saloon's wall. Pain exploded in Jack's head, followed by a wave of nausea. Through the ringing in his head, he heard a choking scream and looked up.

Black fingers curled around Deputy Murray's neck as a pale arm lifted him off his feet. The marshal's gun roared in Jack's ears. Every one of Duggan's shots found its mark, but the creature didn't flinch. Instead, it turned a death grin at them, its teeth clacking between bloodless black lips.

Duggan fired again, and sparks flashed in the creature's face as the bullet ricocheted off its fangs. The monster answered with a sharp hiss. Jack heard the distinct click of an empty gun followed by Duggan's curse. Murray's boots dangled in midair as he clawed at the dead hand around his throat, desperate for a breath. Paralyzed, Jack watched the helpless deputy struggle for a moment before he felt something clamp onto his leg. He only had a moment to register the long black fingers gripping his boot before the creature hoisted him into the air. Hollering in panic, he twisted in the powerful grip, arms flailing. His fingers caught the cold, clammy skin hanging from the creature's ribs. It stretched like rubber, pulling away from the frozen bones, but it didn't tear.

The monster reared to its full height, releasing Jack's leg as it did. He fell headfirst onto the packed snow and lay dazed, his stomach reeling and his head foggy. Shadows danced across his vision. He lifted his head and squinted upward through the pulsing in his eyes.

The long arms cradled Deputy Murray like a child. Murray wrestled against the black fingers and kicked at the creature's ribs, but it held him fast. A stream of prayers poured from his lips. The creature hissed in reply, black lips pulled back. Long teeth sank into the deputy's neck, and his prayers ended in a gurgling scream. Jack felt something warm splash against his face, blinding him, but he didn't turn away. The sounds of crunching bone and grinding teeth filled his ears.

Only when the creature turned its eyes to him did Jack awake from his stupor. He rolled onto his stomach and scrambled to his feet. Before he could take two steps, icy fingers clamped around his stomach, bringing him up short. Hoisted skyward, he came face-to-face with those wicked teeth, now covered in fresh blood and bits of flesh. The creature seemed to grin at him, its yellow eyes alight with savage hunger. A wave of frigid air covered him as the jaws opened, revealing a pit Copyright 2016 - 2024