Dead of Winter (Cold Case Psychic #15) - Pandora Pine Page 0,56

during his relationship with Ronan where other men tried to muscle their way between them, most notably Corbin St. Pierre, who’d kissed Ten and had later been found murdered on the floor of West Side Magick.

Ronan’s hopeful look soured. “I’ll never understand why people do that.” He stood up, holding his hand out to Tennyson. “Let’s finish decorating the tree. We’ll discuss your punishment after Little Miss goes to bed.”

Ten rolled his eyes as if he were completely put out by Ronan’s suggestion, when in reality, he could use a good spanking.



It was just going to be Ronan and Tennyson on the case today. Baby Aurora had the sniffles, so Kevin was staying with her in case she needed to go to the doctor. After hearing Fitzgibbon was out, Jude decided he was going to work on something with Cope. Ronan had a feeling Jude was going to work on Cope, but that was another story for another day.

They’d decided last night that it was time to speak with Kyle Danner. Instead of calling ahead and making an appointment with Skye’s ex-boyfriend, they’d shown up and surprised him. Ten had insisted on bringing a donation to the food bank with them. Ronan hoped Kyle would be more willing to talk to them after he’d been buttered up.

“What’s up with Jude?” Ten asked when he was settled into the front seat of the Mustang.

“I think they’re taking a sex day.” Ronan’s blue eyes darkened. He leaned over to press a hard kiss to Ten’s neck.

“A sex day?” Ten’s eyes widened.

“Yeah,” Ronan grinned. “It’s like a snow day, but instead of shoveling, you bone all day.”

Ten’s mouth opened but no words came out.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Ronan chanced a look at his stunned husband. “You’re thinking, ‘Ronan, we need to have a sex day. Several of them, in fact.’”

Ten snorted. “No. I was thinking you’d lost your grip on reality. Sex day.” Ten rolled his eyes. “Cope’s been working with a difficult spirit and asked Jude if he’d help out.”

“Right, then after that, they’re gonna go home and bone.” Ronan loved riling his husband up.

“Oh, that’s it up there on the left.” Ten pointed across the windshield.

Ronan turned on his left blinker and pulled into the parking lot of the shopping plaza. At the far end was a supermarket with its parking lot overflowing. Next was a CVS, followed by a sub shop, and a UPS store. At the far end was Skye’s the Limit.

“When I first moved to Salem, the store front was a Blockbuster.” Ten unbuckled his seat belt and took a deep breath. “Carson and I used to grab sandwiches at the Olympic Sub shop and grab a couple of movies.”

This was a part of Ten’s Salem backstory Ronan had never heard before.

Skye’s the Limit featured a black sign above the doors, as well as a logo with sunbeams shooting down through fluffy, white clouds.

“I like the feel of this place,” Ten said as he got out of the car.

Ronan felt better hearing Ten’s opinion, but it was no substitute for meeting Kyle Danner face to face.

“Why do you look like you’re holding in a fart?” Ten asked.

“You know I trust your gift, Ten, but people do good things for all sorts of reasons. The biggest one being guilt. I want to get in there and meet this guy for myself before I make any assumptions.” Ronan hated raining on Ten’s parade, but he needed to keep his eye on the prize.

Pulling the door open, Ronan was hit with the aroma of fresh-baked bread. Tables and chairs dominated the front of the store, while there was a kitchen in the back on the left, and shelves of non-perishable foods off to the right.

“Good morning, friends. Are you here to shop or for a hot meal?” An older man wearing a stained apron approached from behind the counter.

“Neither, actually. We’re looking to speak with Kyle Danner,” Ten said with a knowing smile.

It didn’t take a genius to know they were speaking with Kyle. “I’m Ronan O’Mara and this is my husband, Tennyson Grimm.”

Kyle stiffened at the introduction. “Am I in trouble, Detective?” Kyle took a step back.

Ten reached out to the man, setting a reassuring hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “We brought a donation for your guests, and we need to talk to you about Skye Washington.”

Nodding, Kyle ushered them to the empty table at the far end of the building. The man was shorter than Ronan by several inches. Copyright 2016 - 2024