Dead of Winter (Cold Case Psychic #15) - Pandora Pine Page 0,46

Cisco didn’t slow his roll, he was going to end up with a fat lip.

“So why the hell is he walking out on us?” The anger in the chief’s eyes turned to bewilderment.

“Ten isn’t walking out. He wasn’t getting anything from Jennifer’s body. He isn’t sure what’s going on with her spirit.”

“I’m not sure what the hell you’re trying to say.” Cisco sounded mildly calmer than he had a few seconds ago. Anger still burned in his eyes.

“Jennifer’s spirit wasn’t here. Ten couldn’t talk to her because there was no one to talk to. Carson is coming to pick him up so they can do some research and possibly speak to Bertha Craig. Maybe she can reach out to Jennifer from the other side. It’s just odd that this had happened to both of the murder victims in this case.”

Cisco shook his head. “I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about now, either.”

“When Ten was able to speak with Skye Washington, she said she never looked back once she was on the other side. She didn’t stick around after her murder like Patrick Swayze in Ghost. She didn’t visit her family or go to her own funeral. She just turned the page.” Ronan had already decided he’d be sitting in the front row at his murder trial. If he got murdered. “He’s going to try to find out if something similar happened to Jennifer.”

“Shit,”’ Cisco sighed. He paced off from Ronan a couple steps before taking a few deep breaths. “I’m sorry. Tell Ten I’m sorry too. I just—”

“You just thought that with a P.I., two former members of the Cold Case unit, and a psychic, that this case would be solved by the end of the week, right?” Ronan couldn’t help but think back to Ten’s remark about Colonel Mustard and the candlestick.

“Something like that. You know when you have the right tools in place to do the job…” He trailed off. “Now, not only is the cold case still cold, but we’ve got a fresh body.”

“Ten said something like that last night.”

“What do you mean?”

“This crime is thirty-five years old. There hasn’t been a new lead in it for almost as long. Now, like you’ve said, you’ve got the four of us on this case. Men who have solved cold cases like this in the past. If I were the killer, I’d be shitting a solid gold brick.” Ronan mentally kicked himself for not thinking of this sooner.

“You think Jennifer’s death is related to her visiting you all at the Magick shop yesterday?”

“Don’t you?” Ronan asked. “If the husband has an iron-clad alibi like he claims, then I absolutely think this is connected to Skye Washington. Unless, of course, there’s the one percent chance this crime was completely random.” There was no way in hell this crime was random. “I know your team is in there collecting a lot of evidence, but when it’s all said and done, I’m betting that the evidence is all going to come back to Jennifer, her husband, and the staff.”

“There was no one else here when Jennifer was murdered.” Cisco flipped back through his notebook. “The husband didn’t mention anything about a household staff when I questioned him.”

“Go back in there and take a look at Jennifer’s hands. They’re immaculate. Those aren’t the kind of hands that wash dishes, run the vacuum, or scrub the toilet. Talk to the husband, there’s definitely staff. They might have gone home for the night or were off for the holidays. Find out if he’s having an affair with any of them, or if someone has an unrequited crush on him.”

“I know how to do my job, Ronan.” Cisco raised an eyebrow as if to emphasize his point.

“I know you do. I’m just giving you my two cents.” Ronan grinned at his friend. “It’s amazing how fast it all came back.”

“What? How to run a case?” Cisco wore a curious look on his face.

“That, plus the love for this work. All I want to do is find out who killed Jennifer and Skye. Nothing else matters right now.”

“I think Tennyson would disagree with you.” Cisco turned back to the SUV where Ten was sitting.

“That’s the funny thing, he doesn’t.” Ronan was all smiles. His husband was one in a million.

“Come on, Ronan. What kind of husband wants their spouse chasing after killers when they’ve already retired?”

“You know that little love fest you walked in on? Well, Ten was telling me that he knew how much Copyright 2016 - 2024