Dead or Alive - By Tom Clancy Page 0,244


“Yeah, dammit, I said I was.”

Chavez walked back into the room and knelt down again. To Ibrahim he said, “I’m going to take the towel out. If you scream, it goes back in.”

Ibrahim nodded. His face was slick with sweat. Beneath each of his knees, Frisbee-sized puddles of blood were soaking into the plywood.

Dominic removed the towel. Ibrahim gasped but snapped his jaw shut and went quiet. His lower lip trembled. “My friend’s a little touchy today. Sorry. Let’s talk about the U.S.; give us something, and we’ll get you to a hospital.”

Ibrahim shook his head.

To Hadi: “How about you? Give us what we’re looking for and we won’t take you back with us.”

Ibrahim rasped, “Don’t, Shasif ...”

Dominic walked over and knelt beside Chavez, gesturing I’m okay with his palm. “Hadi,” he said. “Let me put this together for you: Did anyone see you during the refinery job?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“So who knew what you looked like? Who could have leaked the sketch? Either Ibrahim or someone higher up. No one else.”

“But why?”

“Loose ends. Maybe somebody thought you were unreliable. Think about it. Ibrahim gets the order from the higher-ups to kill you; the sketch and message gets you to run. Ibrahim uses that to convince the other two to join the hunt. Otherwise, Ibrahim has to convince them to kill their friend for no good reason. Which is easier?”

Hadi considered this for a few moments, then glanced sideways at Ibrahim, who was shaking his head. Saliva leaked from the corners of his mouth and dribbled down his chin. “It’s not true.”

Dominic said, “Hadi, he betrayed you, and now he’s sitting right here beside you, lying about it. Doesn’t that piss you off?”

Hadi nodded.

“I know it really pisses me off.”

Dominic jerked his gun up, extended it toward Ibrahim, and shot him in the eye. Blood and brain matter sprayed over the wall. Ibrahim slumped sideways and went still, save his left arm, which twitched and flopped for ten seconds before stopping.

Chavez slapped Dominic’s arm up and away. “Christ almighty! What the fuck!”

Dominic stood up and backed away a few feet. Hadi curled himself into the fetal position and started whimpering. Dominic took two strides to him and pressed his gun to Hadi’s temple.

Chavez shouted, “Don’t! Not an inch, Dom.”

Dominic glanced sideways. Chavez had his own gun half raised in the direction of Dominic, who just shook his head and returned his attention to Hadi.

“Dom, don’t do it. ...”

Dominic leaned down and said to Hadi, “Unless you’ve got something to tell us, shithead, I’m done with you. I’m going to put a bullet in your ear. When I say go, you either nod or you die.”


JACK AND CLARK made it to Virginia Beach in twenty minutes and found some public parking a block from the beach. All of the purchases the Salim kids had made were within three blocks.

“So what’re you thinking?” Jack asked as they got out.

“They checked in at one of the hotels around here using a new card but did some shopping on the old one. We play marshal and deputy again, and show their photos around.”

For the next hour, they walked from hotel to hotel, checking them off Jack’s list as they went. They were walking into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn at Atlantic and 28th when Jack said, “They’re here.”

“Yeah, where?”

“Swimming pool. Two loungers near the diving board.”

“I see ’em. Keep walking.”

They stepped into the lobby. Clark stopped, pursed his lips. “Remember that flower shop we passed on Twenty-seventh? Go back there, buy some daisies or something. And one of those card envelopes, too.”


“I’ll explain. Don’t come back the same way. Meet me in the rear parking lot.”

Jack was back in fifteen minutes. He found Clark in the rear parking lot, standing beside a Dumpster. “They’re checked in under the same first names, last name Pasaribu. Their room is on the north side, facing away from the pool.”

“So we pick the door, go in.”

“Maids are up there. Flowers will work better.”

Jack went up first, carrying the daisies. Clark went up the opposite stairwell and stopped at the top, out of view around the corner. When Jack reached the Salims’ room door, he stopped and knocked, waited for ten seconds, then knocked again. Four doors down, a maid came out of another room and grabbed some towels off her cart. “Excuse me, miss,” Jack said.

“Yes, sir?”

“I got these flowers for my girlfriend. I have to get back to the base, but I wanted to Copyright 2016 - 2024