Dead Man's Deal The Asylum Tales - By Jocelynn Drake Page 0,70

I would use magic to escape and now she was realizing that I had been in even more danger than she had believed.

I considered letting her twist with that thought for a moment, but tossed it aside. “I’ve found ways to do some quiet magic. It’s the big stuff that’s going to get me killed.”

The queen sat back against the little bench and stared at me for several seconds, confusion written on her face as she tried to puzzle something out. “And if what I required was not such a little quiet thing, would you do it? Would you risk your life for Rowena?”

“Yes,” I immediately replied.

“No,” Trixie snapped at the same time. She turned and laid her hands on my cheeks. “No, this stops now. You’re not casting any more spells, no matter what she asks.”

I placed my hand over one of hers, rubbing my thumb over the soft skin on the inside of her wrist. “As she’s pointed out, the warlocks and witches have done horrible things to your people. Isn’t it time a warlock did some good for your kind?”

“Gage, you weren’t one of the warlocks that hurt us. Damn it, you weren’t even born yet!” she said, blinking against the fresh tears gathering in her eyes. “You don’t have to pay for the sins of other people.”

“Then let me do it for you.”

Trixie’s hands slipped from my face and she wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing close. I winced but held her, laying my cheek against the top of her head. “After all the hate and anger and fear, let me do this one thing out of love,” I whispered.

“I can’t lose you,” she said, her voice muffled against my chest.

“You won’t. I haven’t agreed to anything yet. We’re talking.”

“You . . . love her, don’t you?” the queen asked in amazement.

“Very much,” I said, meeting the queen’s cool eyes.

“You are a strange one,” she murmured, bringing a chuckle from Trixie.

I smiled while hugging Trixie, easing the last of the tension that had been hanging in the air since my reappearance. “It’s one of my many charms.”

Raising her hands, the queen clapped loudly twice. “Chairs!”

I twisted around to see the guard at the entrance step aside as two elves entered carrying a pair of comfortable chairs, which were set before the queen. As the two newcomers left, she raised her hands again and made a little shooing motion. “Everyone leave me with my guests.” The three guards hesitated for several seconds, staring at me, before leaving the gazebo. I had no doubt that if I made one wrong move, they were going to be on me within seconds. They were gone, but not far.

I ushered Trixie over into a seat before slowly sitting beside her. Muscles were sore and my back was killing me, but it felt so damn good to sit down. To my shock, the queen pulled a lace handkerchief from her sleeve and offered it to Trixie.

“Thank you, Arianna,” Trixie murmured as she dabbed her eyes and dried her cheeks.

The queen chuckled at my confusion. “You will be further surprised to know that Rowena and I used to be close friends many years ago. When I could pull her away from her murals, she was one of my closest companions.” The queen looked away, blinking back tears before she turned back to us.

“It’s what made this mess an even bigger tragedy.” Trixie’s voice wavered. “I felt like I was betraying our friendship when I realized that I would be his choice for a consort. I had to run. Not just because I didn’t want him, but I didn’t want to betray you.”

I slumped in my chair and ran a hand roughly over my face. Why either woman hadn’t killed this asshole yet was beyond me. He throws aside his beautiful wife so that he could chase after his wife’s best friend? I had heard of women shooting their husbands for less.

“But it doesn’t look as if love has been any kinder to you,” Arianna said, drawing my gaze back to her.

“What do you mean?” I said, a little more harshly than I had meant to.

She smiled. “An elf falls in love with the most despised creature on the planet, the scourge of her people. And to make matters worse, one who is despised even by his own kind. If I had to choose, I would keep my indifferent husband. He may not want me like he wants Rowena, but at least he Copyright 2016 - 2024