Dead Man's Deal The Asylum Tales - By Jocelynn Drake Page 0,67

the snippets of mint in a little white envelope and folded it shut. “They were.” Turning toward me, she slowly approached. I backpedaled a step for each of hers. “Former lovers that I’ve grown tired of. So are the magpies on my trees.” She paused beside a large yellow rosebush and gently caressed the glossy green leaves. The bush shuddered and I could feel the hint of intense pleasure from it.

She continued approaching until I was pinned against another wall. Stopping a few feet away, she extended the hand holding the white envelope with the mint. I stared at it, confused. That was it? No attack? No bitter struggle for freedom?

She laughed again and I clenched my teeth against the sound as it throbbed through my body. “Go ahead. Take it. No strings attached.”

My hand was shaking, but it flashed out and snatched the envelope from her fingers before she could draw it back.

“I’ve promised the queen that I wouldn’t kill you. The damage has already been done.”

“What do you mean?”

“Rowena knows you were sent to me. She knows that no man has ever escaped me without visiting my bed. Even if I never touch you and you proclaim your sweet loyalty to her, she will always have a doubt eating away at her happiness in the back of her mind.”

And thus the queen has her revenge on us both. Trixie would spend the rest of our relationship thinking that I had wanted someone else, and I would lose the person I loved most in the world.

My head fell back, hitting the wall behind me as my eyes closed. I had been afraid of the queen kidnapping Trixie, having her put to death, torturing her physically. Hell, I had expected some kind of physical attack on me. I had never thought of an attack of this sort and I had no defense against it.

“You know, if she’s going to think you had sex with me, you might as well have the pleasure,” Demoiselle Noire de Gruchy said.

Lost in my own misery, I couldn’t put up any kind of defense. She plastered her body against mine in a heartbeat. I grabbed her left hand and held it out, while my other hand caught her shoulder as I tried to pry her away from me. Every nerve ending trembled as I struggled against both her and a host of angry instincts that were snarling for sex with this creature. The scent I had picked up earlier came back, thick and heavy, so that my mind was lost in the growing fog.

Straining, I managed to hold her upper body off my chest and keep her from kissing me, but her pelvis was pressed to my groin. She was icy to the touch, but I was putting off so much heat that I was confident that I could have melted an iceberg. Her leg slid up mine and a shudder racked my frame as she ground herself against my erection. This was not how I imagined I was going to die, but my heart wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this.

Her free right hand slid over my chest, dancing over my pounding heart. I dared a glance down at her face and she flashed me a wicked smile. I sucked in a sharp breath before her hand slipped back down my chest and slid inside my pants and boxers. Her long, soft fingers circled my dick and I moaned at the exquisite feeling before I could stop the sound. My hips jerked once, sending her hand over the head and down along the length, pushing another long groan past my lips.

I tensed every muscle in my body as sweat beaded at my temples and dripped down the sides of my face in the strain. I was teetering painfully on the edge, but I refused to give in. This beautiful creature was a monster. She lured lovers to her bed, and when she had sucked them dry of all they had to offer, she turned them into plants and animals so she could remain in control of them. The pleasure she offered wasn’t real. It was an illusion of magic. There was no love, no tenderness. Only Trixie could give me that.

“It’s not real,” I moaned, trying to gather the strength to push her off me.

“This doesn’t feel real?” She squeezed my cock so that I nearly came.

“Trixie is real. I love Trixie,” I said between clenched teeth.

“It’s okay. She doesn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024