Dead Man's Deal The Asylum Tales - By Jocelynn Drake Page 0,60

enough that he turned the rest of the way around to look at me. “I’m thirty-one.”

Only five years older than me. “You seem . . . older.”

Gideon nodded, not showing any surprise at my comment. “It might not show in our appearance, but this life ages you.” He turned back toward the door and left without another word.

I leaned my head against the wall and tried to breathe. This life torn apart by the Towers was aging us all ahead of our time, and it was a crime. But whining about our fate wasn’t going to change a fucking thing and neither was my reluctance to accept what was in front of me. It was time to grow up. If not for myself, then I had to do it for those who were depending on me.


WHY COULDN’T IT have been an overcast day? Sleep had not been an easy thing to find last night after Gideon left and Sofie was settled from her shower. After a couple slices of lukewarm pizza, a beer, and a quick memory spell on Robert, I had lain in bed staring up at the ceiling, my mind replaying the events of the day until I wanted to scream. The sun was peeking over the horizon when I drifted off and then it was only a short time later when Trixie called with plans to pick me up.

A cold shower got me moving, but I was still waiting for the coffee that I had been sucking on since I fell into her car to get my brain moving. Dressed in jeans and a mostly clean T-shirt, I knew I was underdressed to meet with the queen of the Summer Court, but I couldn’t summon up the energy to care. The dark sunglasses weren’t keeping out nearly enough of the bright, early-afternoon glare, and the world had this cheerful feel that seemed horribly wrong considering that the Towers had an itchy trigger finger and were gunning to take out more people.

It was a struggle to push my grumpy attitude aside. Trixie was strained with worry and fear. I was beginning to think that even in my sleep-deprived state, it would have been a better idea for me to drive. She was hitting the brakes at the last possible second, as if her mind wasn’t fully aware that her body was driving.

“Did you have any problems last night?” I asked, causing Trixie to jump. We had been quiet since I’d slunk into the passenger seat, not even daring to turn on the radio.

“Nothing other than Bronx’s snoring rattling the windows this morning,” she complained, but there was no venom behind the comment. “We stayed up watching old M*A*S*H and Great American Hero reruns. I left him curled up in the shower with a pile of blankets.”

I smiled at the image. It had to be a tight fit and couldn’t be particularly comfortable, but the bathroom was the safest room in Trixie’s apartment since it had no windows. I’m sure Bronx was fine though. The troll slept like the dead and probably wouldn’t stir until sunset.

“After this meeting, we’ll grab some food to drop off to him before heading into the shop.”

“You think we’re going to have any customers today?”

I sighed, placing my travel mug in the cup holder. “I have no idea, but we’ll probably get busy soon.”

Trixie paused, her eyes on the road in front of her as she exited the highway onto the off-ramp. “Did you have any problems last night?”

“A couple,” I admitted, praying that she didn’t press me for details. She already had enough on her plate.

“Did you talk to Sofie?”

“Some. She had a small problem herself, but she’s fine now. Last I saw, she was sprawled across my bed like she belonged there. I swear, I think she’s happier as a cat.”

“Doubtful.” She eased to a stop at a red light, her driving smoothing out as she neared our destination.

“What’s not to love? She sleeps most of the day, has food brought to her, and everyone that sees her rubs her head. Hell, being turned into a cat is starting to sound pretty good.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes at me, but I could see her fighting to hold back her smile. “If it happens, I’ll be sure to have you fixed immediately.”

“That’s cold, woman! You should never talk about cutting off a man’s balls.”

The smile she had been fighting slipped forth as she pressed the gas, sending the car across the intersection. “I think Copyright 2016 - 2024