Dead Man's Deal The Asylum Tales - By Jocelynn Drake Page 0,109

out of here, woman!” I barked, throwing back the covers, no longer caring what the hell she saw. “I’ve got to get dressed.”

The strange woman giggled as she scurried out of the room, closing the door behind her as I darted to the closet and started pulling out clothes. I didn’t know what you wore to a meeting with Gaia, but I was hoping that she wasn’t picky. My escort hadn’t thought to give me time to properly prepare. I simply grabbed my one black polo shirt that didn’t have a hole in it and my dark blue jeans that had a hole in the back pocket. If I survived all this fucking chaos, I needed to look into a couple new shirts and pants. At my current rate, I was throwing out more clothes at the end of the day than I was keeping.

Grabbing shoes and socks, I ran to the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth and pissed at the same time while trying to ignore the fact that everything gleamed brightly. I leaned against the wall as I pulled on socks and boots. A quick glance in the mirror revealed that my hair was a mess, but at least my shirt was right side out. I also needed to shave, but there was no time. Mother Nature was going to have to deal with it.

Holly was waiting in the living room next to the front door when I left the bathroom. She clapped her hands and gave a little bounce when she saw me. “Very good. You’re right on time,” she cheered.

My gaze skimmed over the rest of the apartment only to find it in immaculate condition. I dreaded having to explain this one to Trixie if she happened to stop over before I could return it to its usual slovenly state. However, I was grateful to see that Holly had even patched the enormous hole in the ceiling. Overall, I was having trouble believing what she had accomplished while I was apparently dead to the world.

Robert was sprawled on the couch, one leg up on the back while the other was dangling off the end. A blanket was pulled half over him and he was snoring softly. He was dead to the world, oblivious to the fact that a perky woman had been cleaning around him for roughly four hours.

As I looked toward the kitchen, my eyes caught on the clock hanging on the wall.

“It’s only eight in the morning!” I said, struggling to keep my voice at a whisper. I was never up before noon if I could help it. Consciousness at this hour of the day was . . . it was just unhealthy.


“And you’ve been here for four hours?”

“Yes.” Her cheerfulness never wavered.

I shook my head, forcing my brain to stop trying to understand her. It wasn’t possible. “Let me grab my keys. I’m guessing you’re driving . . . or do you want me to?”

“No need.” Holly placed her hand on my shoulder and the world went black for a second before I found myself standing near a large red barn at the edge of a vast green field bathed in golden sunlight. The air was cool and crisp without being uncomfortable.

There had been none of the usual sense of movement across space that typically accompanied a teleportation spell. This had been soft and subtle like a whisper, making it extremely frightening. I was dealing with some powerful creatures, and by all appearances, Holly was only a servant.

“ ’Bout time you got here,” announced a gruff voice. We both turned to see a man stomp out of the darkness of the barn in a pair of worn overalls and mud-caked work boots. A straw hat was pulled low on his head, casting his dark eyes in shadow as he frowned at me.

Beside me, Holly checked her little watch again and then turned a scowl on the man. “We’re right on time and you know it!” she argued, but the sour mood faded like a flicker of lightning as she turned to look at me. “We are on time, but Rocky likes to be contrary. You’ll be helping him today. Good luck.” She gave me what I’m sure she thought was a reassuring pat on the shoulder and then stepped back before disappearing completely.

I had opened my mouth to ask her what the hell she was talking about, but it was too late. Frowning, I looked over at the man who was watching Copyright 2016 - 2024