Dead as a doornail - By Charlaine Harris Page 0,85

a large rock as big as my fist, and to my dismay the rock hit Eric squarely in the head. He went down like a—well, like a rock. He lay without moving. Dark blood welled from a deep cut in his temple. I leaped to my feet, completely stunned at seeing the powerful Eric apparently out cold.

“Invite me in,” said Mickey, just outside the window. His face, white and angry, shone in the pelting rain. His black hair was plastered to his head.

“Of course not,” I said, kneeling beside Eric, who blinked, to my relief. Not that he could be dead, of course, but still, when you see someone take a blow like that, vampire or not, it’s just plain terrifying. Eric had fallen in front of the armchair, which had its back to the window, so Mickey couldn’t see him.

But now I could see what Mickey was holding by one hand: Tara. She was almost as pale as he was, and she’d been beaten to a pulp. Blood was running out of the corner of her mouth. The lean vampire had a merciless grip on her arm. “I’ll kill her if you don’t let me in,” he said, and to prove his point, he put both hands around her neck and began to squeeze. A clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning lit up Tara’s desperate face as she clawed weakly at his arms. He smiled, fangs completely exposed.

If I let him in, he’d kill all of us. If I left him out there, I would have to watch him kill Tara. I felt Eric’s hands take hold of my arm. “Do it,” I said, not moving my gaze from Mickey. Eric bit, and it hurt like hell. He wasn’t finessing this at all. He was desperate to heal in a hurry.

I’d just have to swallow the pain. I tried hard to keep my face still, but then I realized I had a great reason to look upset. “Let her go!” I yelled at Mickey, trying to buy a few seconds. I wondered if any of the neighbors were up, if they could hear the ruckus, and I prayed they wouldn’t come searching to find out what was going on. I was even afraid for the police, if they came. We didn’t have any vampire cops to handle vampire lawbreakers, like the cities did.

“I’ll let her go when you let me in,” Mickey yelled. He looked like a demon out there in the rain. “How’s your tame vamp doing?”

“He’s still out,” I lied. “You hurt him bad.” It didn’t take any effort at all to make my voice crack as if I were on the verge of tears. “I can see his skull,” I wailed, looking down at Eric to see that he was still feeding as greedily as a hungry baby. His head was mending as I watched. I’d seen vamps heal before, but it was still amazing. “He can’t even open his eyes,” I added in a heartbroken way, and just then Eric’s blue eyes blazed up at me. I didn’t know if he was in fighting trim yet, but I could not watch Tara being choked. “Not yet,” Eric said urgently, but I had already told Mickey to come in.

“Oops,” I said, and then Mickey slithered through the window in an oddly boneless movement. He knocked the broken glass out of the way carelessly, like it didn’t hurt him to get cut. He dragged Tara through after him, though at least he’d switched his grip from her neck to her arm. Then he dropped her on the floor, and the rain coming in the window pelted down on her, though she couldn’t be any wetter than she already was. I wasn’t even sure she was conscious. Her eyes were closed in her bloody face, and her bruises were turning dark. I stood, swaying with the blood loss, but keeping my wrist concealed by resting it on the back of the armchair. I’d felt Eric lick it, but it would take a few minutes to heal.

“What do you want?” I asked Mickey. As if I didn’t know.

“Your head, bitch,” he said, his narrow features twisted with hatred, his fangs completely out. They were white and glistening and sharp in the bright overhead light. “Get down on your knees to your betters!” Before I could react in any way—in fact before I could blink—the vampire backhanded me, and I stumbled across the small room, landing half on Copyright 2016 - 2024