Daughter of Darkness - Juliana Haygert Page 0,67

been fighting someone sporting a sword?

Kianna shook her head as she applied a mix of herbs to the cut. Devon hissed. A moment later, he let out a long breath. “Thank you.”

She glanced up at him, at his dark eyes, at the worry and pain stamped on them. Whatever he had been doing, she was sure it had been the right thing. Because she knew Devon, she trusted him, and he would never, ever do something to harm her or her family.

She offered him a small smile. “I’m glad you’re back.”

Devon put his hand over hers. “Me too.”



Despite all my protests and hesitations, I ended up going to the library fundraiser ball with Lia. The previous day, I had gone out with Carol and bought a strapless red dress with a tight bodice and a flowing skirt. Dresses weren’t really my thing, but I had to admit I liked this one. For the occasion, I let my hair down, only securing a few short strands to the side, and applied makeup for the first time in … I didn’t even know when—smoky eyes and red lipstick. Also not my thing, but according to Carol, who saw me before I left for the ball with Lia, I was elegant and hot, a combination hard to find.

I laughed at her description but chose to believe her words. At least for tonight. I would need them if I were to endure such a boring night.

The ball was hosted at a fancy hotel ballroom with thick carpet, big round tables all around, crystal chandeliers, and tall doors like windows that led to a balcony outside. There was a bar on one side of the room and a stage on the other, where a band was warmed up. Waiters weaved around the arriving guests, bringing them drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

A whiskey glass in hand, Devon stood beside one of the tables, talking to an older man. I wanted to deny it, but I couldn’t, not to myself. With his hair combed back and in a black tuxedo, Devon looked dashing. Too handsome for his own good.

“I didn’t know Devon had been invited to the ball,” I said to Lia as we took our places at a table near the stage.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” she said. “He’s a patron at the library and one of the ball’s organizers.”

“Really?” That was surprising. And here I was thinking he was a playboy, who had too much money and didn’t even know how to use it well since he lived in that small house. But it seemed he did. Investing in books was always a good thing.

A waiter came by and we ordered glasses of wine—thankfully, they weren’t asking for IDs at the ball. Mine was fake, but it had my real age on it.

Amid the gathering crowd, I recognized many faces, even our neighbor, Roselyn, who loved to spread gossip. I was sure tomorrow the town would be on fire with some rumor she started.

A moment later, a handful of men came up to the stage.

“Good evening,” one started. “Thank you for joining us tonight.” He went on, explaining who he was—the director of the library—and more about the event. He introduced the other men standing with him—all patrons of the library. I glanced from the stage, to where Devon stood in the corner, as if he was hiding. Why wasn’t he up there with the other patrons? The men took turns speaking about the library and the event, thanking us for our generosity and kindness.

“Let’s get this party started!” the director announced. He and the others hopped off the stage and the band began playing.

Lia’s coworker, Miles, stopped by our table with his wife to greet us, then a couple more people Lia had met while working at the library.

Then she stood. “I need to go greet some people. I’ll be right back.”

Before I could protest, she walked away, leaving me alone at our table.

Great. I had come to this damn ball because she had insisted, and then she just left me.

I took a long swallow of my wine.

When I lowered my glass, I found a man staring at me from the edge of the dance floor. He stood beside the library director and a patron and talked to them, but every few seconds, he looked at me. I frowned. He was … handsome, in a way. Tall, with dirty blond hair, and what seemed an easy smile. He was probably in his early twenties,

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