Daughter of the Alien Warrior - Honey Phillips Page 0,7

the glass but then the panes slid silently upwards. A cacophony of noise erupted, and she realized that each window led into a small viewing room. She couldn’t see much of the interior of the rooms, but her nose was assaulted by a variety of unpleasant smells.

A slithering sound came from one of the rooms, and she saw a yellow light flash over the opening. A moment later, a snake-like alien slithered into view. His head reminded her of a cobra’s and his body looped below him in long coils, but he had two small arms. One of them reached for her face. She whipped her head around and bit down hard on a two-fingered hand. Her mouth filled with acidic blood and she released her grip, spitting the blood to the ground. The alien hissed angrily and his tail coiled around her legs with bone-crushing pressure. A red light flashed overhead, and she heard the slave master’s voice.

“May I remind you, Honorable Sir, that any damage you cause will result in a forfeit of your deposit?”

The alien hissed again and let her go, slithering back to his room.

“Would any other interested party care to inspect the merchandise?”

Another light flashed yellow, and a new alien stepped out onto her platform. He was humanoid—just. Heavily furred, with short legs and longer arms extending from broad shoulders, he bore a faint resemblance to a gorilla and was easily twice her size. He wore a metal vest studded with spikes, each tip painted red, with matching cuffs around his wrists. Unlike the first alien, he made no attempt to approach her at first, simply circling her and studying her from all sides.

When he finally decided to come closer, she grabbed hold of her leash, putting all of her weight on her cuffs, and twisted her body to kick out at him, catching him in his broad midsection. Her arms felt as if they were being pulled out of their sockets, and her feet ached as if she had slammed them against the concrete wall. He just laughed.

“This one definitely has some possibilities.” He studied her face. “If you try that again, I’ll make you regret it.”

The smug assurance in his voice infuriated her and when he approached a second time, she repeated the maneuver, aiming lower this time. He gave an outraged howl as her feet connected with something much softer. Another alien male with genitalia between his legs, she thought triumphantly, but a minute later, his hands were around her throat above the collar.

“I see you want to make your life interesting.” He squeezed tighter. “I believe in making the punishment fit the crime. I wonder how you would look spread-eagle on an iron bar with my cock jammed down your throat?”

She could hear Master Eiran protesting and black spots were flashing in her vision, but she gathered her last strength and spat at him. To her shock, he laughed and released her.

“I’ll take her. How much?”

Before the grey alien could respond, an alarm sounded and red lights began flashing in every one of the surrounding rooms. Another of the gorilla-like aliens came rushing out and grabbed her tormentor’s arm.

“Lord Gokan, it’s the Patrol. We have to leave. Now.”

The alien grunted and reached for her leash. Dread washed over her as she realized he was planning on taking her with them, but when his fingers touched the leash, there was a bright spark. She felt the jolts of electricity run through her body as he growled and stepped back, shaking his hand.

“Sir, we don’t have time for this.”

“Very well.” He leaned closer and, to her disgust, jammed a thick purple tongue into her mouth. She tried to bite down but he dug his thumb into her jaw, keeping her jaws open for his assault. He drew back and laughed. “Don’t forget me, human. I have every intention of finding you—and teaching you a lesson.”

He and his companions disappeared through the viewing room as one of the grey aliens rushed out. Just as he reached for her leash, more lights came on. A new species of alien surrounded them.

“Hold it right there,” one of them ordered, and her captor froze.

Jade’s heart pounded as she looked around at the influx of strange aliens. They weren’t quite as tall as the grey aliens, but they were strongly built with heavily muscled bodies. Various shades of patterned green skin covered almost reptilian features, and she could have sworn she saw a tail whipping behind one of

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