Daughter of the Alien Warrior - Honey Phillips Page 0,68

made some definite plans for tonight, even before she found out the news. Inzen had been a little doubtful about letting the girls spend the night away from them, but she intended to take advantage of every minute.

As if her thoughts had conjured him up, he appeared in the doorway, Hana’s tiny body tucked against one broad shoulder. Their daughter was a perfect mingling of the two of them. Her features were very like Jade’s, but her skin was a pale green and she had a tiny, adorable tail.

“I thought it was nap time?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.

“So did I, but Bobo has gone missing again.” Lily had ceremoniously presented Hana with the stuffed animal a month ago, and now they had a second daughter who wouldn’t sleep without him. “The monitor says he is in here.”

“Here he is!” Lily announced, pulling him out from under a pile of fabric and handing him to Hana who squealed happily.

“How in the world did he get there?” she asked.

“Perhaps he wanted to give me an excuse to kiss my beautiful mate.” Inzen’s eyes darkened as he bent over and brushed his mouth against hers, his tail curving around her waist. Even that small touch awakened her need for him, and her body responded.

“Yous kissing again,” Lily said.

“Yes, we are,” Inzen agreed as he straightened back up, his tail flicking teasingly across her now erect nipples. “Your mama needs a lot of kissing.”

“Me too!”

“You too, little one.” He scooped Lily up in his other arm and she kissed his cheek before nestling against him and patting Hana’s back.

“Can you take them both back to the house? I want to finish Hana’s dress today so I can give you all my attention tonight.”

She deliberately licked her lips and saw his eyes darken again.

“I am very… eager for your attention.”

“Tonight,” she promised.

After Inzen left to take the girls to TeShawna’s that evening, Jade hurried to their bedroom to prepare. With Hana’s birth, they had decided they needed more room but rather than move away, Inzen bought the property behind them and added on to the house instead. Just as well, she thought, her hand caressing her stomach again.

Their new bedroom was larger and more spacious, but it still opened out to a private garden. She opened the doors to the garden, letting the sound of the fountain fill the room as she lit the small lanterns. The bedroom lights were already set to low and she undressed quickly, knowing he wouldn’t be gone long. The silken rope went over a rafter, then she slipped her hands into the wrist loops, and waited, shivering with anticipation.

Inzen hurried back across the garden. He was still not entirely sure about leaving the girls for the night, but he intended to take full advantage of being alone with his mate. She had been teasing him all afternoon with light touches and whispered promises. He threw open the door to their room and forgot how to breathe.

Jade was suspended from the rafters, her slender arms stretched above her head and her slim golden body glowing in the soft light. He stalked forward, noticing that her nipples were already taut with excitement and the heady scent of her arousal mixed with her natural sweet, spicy fragrance. She was completely naked except for a sparkling green stone suspended between her breasts. After everything that had happened, the idea of a mating bracelet no longer had the same appeal. Instead, they had agreed to put the jewels aside for the girls—all except for one perfect stone, which he had made into this necklace.

She wore it constantly, usually hidden beneath her clothes, but he liked knowing that she wore a symbol of their joining. He traced a finger along the thin gold chain, lingering between her breasts as he circled the stone, and saw her shiver.

“I like you clad only in this.”

“I know you do.” Her gaze flicked down to where his cock was straining at his pants. “And I like you clad in nothing at all.”

He quickly stripped away his clothes, and returned to her, his shaft a heated bar between them as his tail circled her waist and pulled her closer. Her hands were still stretched above her head, and he ran his hand up them until he found a silken cord circling her wrists and leading up to the rafters. Some primitive instinct roared approval at the idea of her bound for his pleasure.

“What is this?”

“I said something once about

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