Daughter of the Alien Warrior - Honey Phillips Page 0,42

with Inzen if their father-daughter relationship hadn’t been so obvious. If anything, Cassie treated her like a wicked stepmother. The fact that Lily obviously loved the other woman only added insult to injury.

Cassie gave her the most menial jobs she could find and refused to let her do any sewing. Jade had tried to make a few tactful suggestions but was shot down every time. The only bright spot had been when Cassie begrudgingly allowed Jade to take some spare fabric so she could make herself some more clothes in the evenings. Despite that, the reason she continued to work in the shop was because the girl was genuinely talented. All of Jade’s professional instincts were intrigued, and she wanted her to succeed. She also suspected that if she had any hope of forming a real family with her daughter and Inzen, she and Cassie would have to learn to get along.

But the biggest sources of her frustration were the big warrior and tiny girl playing together in the courtyard garden. Lily was perched on Inzen’s back, his tail holding her in place as he crawled around on his hands and knees while she squealed with laughter. She wanted to join them but knew that as soon as she did, Lily’s smile would fade.

Her hopes of finding a way into her daughter’s heart were also beginning to fade. Lily still regarded her with the utmost suspicion, and it had finally occurred to Jade that she associated her appearance with Inzen’s absence. Lily also didn’t like it when Inzen’s tail touched Jade, snatching it away from her any time it did.

“My dada.”

Inzen had allowed it the first few times, but at least he finally put his foot down the last time Lily had tried to pull his tail away from Jade.

“No, little one. Mama is part of our family too.”

Lily had scowled but accepted it. Perhaps it was hopeful thinking on Jade’s part, but she thought maybe Lily had softened a little bit towards her after that. It certainly hadn’t stopped her from demanding Inzen’s presence.

Yesterday, they had discussed leaving Lily with Jade in the afternoon while Inzen visited the training school he sponsored, but while Inzen had agreed, Lily had dissolved into a flood of tears when it was time for him to leave. With a helpless look at Jade, he had agreed to take her with him. Determined not to let her daughter out of her sight, she accompanied the pair.

The training school was a long low building, the rooms arranged around several interior courtyards, and it reminded her of the dojo when she had taken some of her martial arts classes. Lily seemed at home there, and none of the fighters seemed surprised by her presence. Inzen’s office had a play area with a child-sized tent piled with pillows in one corner, Lily climbed inside, tugging Bobo with her, when Inzen gently but firmly told her that it was nap time.

At least he doesn’t let her get away with everything, Jade thought bitterly but immediately regretted the thought. He was a good father, watching over Lily carefully and making sure that she had a standard routine. It was only where Jade was concerned that he seemed reluctant to correct her behavior.

A glass wall formed the front of his office, and as Lily drifted off, he gestured to Jade to step outside with him.

“I hope you do not mind that I allowed her to accompany me,” he said anxiously.

“I guess not. I can’t bear to hear her cry either.”

“It is not just that. I do not want her to blame you for separating us.”

She sighed, some of her annoyance dissolving as he echoed her earlier thoughts.

“I suppose I understand. It’s just so hard waiting for her to accept me.”

“I know, my letari. But we are making progress.”

He glanced back through the glass and she followed his gaze. Lily was sound asleep, her thumb in her mouth and her other arm clutching Bobo.

“Do you want to stay with her while I spar?”

“Spar?” The question conjured up an image of their time on the ship, and an unexpected spike of arousal caused her nipples to harden.

“Yes, I have a few private students that I train with.”

“Female students?” She narrowed her eyes at him and he laughed, his tail wrapping around her waist and tugging her up against his big body.

“No, my letari. You are the only female that I will ever train with.”

Her breath hitched as his eyes darkened. Just as

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