Daughter of the Alien Warrior - Honey Phillips Page 0,24

faint sounds overhead. The ship had still been in darkness when she awoke, and she had been lying there pondering the circumstances under which she found herself when she heard what sounded like flesh sliding against flesh. A fresh wave of that spicy scent that already permeated the small ship had an unnerving effect on her body as she realized that Inzen was touching himself. Her own hand slipped between her thighs, beneath his shirt, and found an answering wetness. She brushed cautiously against her swollen clit just as she heard him gasp quietly. A moment later, she heard him settle into place. Damn. If she had been able to hear him, he would no doubt be able to hear her if she continued to touch herself. Reluctantly, she withdrew her fingers.

What was it about this big alien that aroused feelings she thought she had put behind her? It’s just been a long time, she reminded herself. And he was very attractive. Even though he was obviously older than the Cire warriors who had initially recovered her—his ridges more pronounced, the patterns of his skin more complex—his body showed few signs of age.

A pleasant shiver traveled over her as she remembered those impressive muscles. He cut a fine figure in his tight-fitting uniform, but when he came out of the bathroom ready for bed, he had removed his shirt, and she could see every well-defined ridge and bulge as she peeped at him from under her eyelashes. And when he had climbed into the bunk over her, she had another clear view of the even more impressive bulge between his legs. She remembered the small nubs that covered his skin and wondered if they covered his penis as well. An excited little throb jolted her clit at the thought.

No, she told herself. You don’t need this type of complication. She was here to find her daughter, and no man—no alien—no matter how attractive, would get in the way of that. Inzen was only an emissary to help her search, and nothing more.

Despite her resolution, she continued to think of him as something considerably more until at last the ship’s lights brightened. From the alacrity with which he climbed down from the bunk, she suspected that he hadn’t slept any more than she had, but she ignored the memory of his activities and gave him a pleasant, neutral smile.

“Good morning. At least I assume it is morning?”

“Yes, my letari. And it is a very good morning with you here on my ship.” He smiled down at her, his face soft.

Oh lord, if he kept saying things like that, it would be very difficult to maintain any distance between them. She forced herself to look away from both his smiling face and his very tempting body.

“I’m eager to get started on more sewing. Do you mind if I take over your table again?”

“Not at all. But I will prepare the morning meal first.”

“I don’t usually eat breakfast.”

He looked horrified. “You need to keep up your strength. I will prepare a variety of dishes so you may find something that appeals to you.”

She opened her mouth to protest but he had already disappeared into the bathroom. Yep, definitely going to be hard to keep her distance.

That thought continued to plague her throughout the morning. First, when he presented her with at least ten different dishes and watched anxiously as she tried a bite of each of them. Then again, when he seemed quite content to sit in his chair and read while she sewed, but she felt him watching her.

For lunch, he would have prepared an equally vast array, but she firmly told him that a single simple meal would suit her better. She resumed sewing after lunch, but she was feeling increasingly restless. Her last year on Earth had been filled with activities from physical training to contacting her investigators to the business tasks she couldn’t delegate. She wasn’t used to sitting in one place for an extended period of time. After the third time she stretched and sighed, Inzen frowned at her.

“Is something wrong, my letari?”

“Just restless, I guess. I usually train every day and I’m not used to sitting still for so long.”

He studied her thoughtfully. “I also devote part of each day to training. Would you care to join me?”

Did one train with an emissary? It was her turn to study him. Training against someone with his size would be a good test of her skills, she decided, ignoring

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