Daughter of the Alien Warrior - Honey Phillips Page 0,18


“Yes. The Flower is my personal vessel.” He smiled with obvious affection at what she probably would have called an old clunker.

“Is it, uh, fast?” She also wanted to ask if it was spaceworthy, but she suspected he would be insulted.

“Fast? It made the Kessel journey in under twelve parsecs.”

“Is that good?” she asked doubtfully.

“No other ship in the squadron could match it.” He looked down at her, his expression surprisingly sad. “Do not worry, letari. We will be on Trevelor soon enough.”

Inzen wrestled with his conscience as he escorted Jade on board the Flower. Should he tell her that his daughter was one of the two unaccompanied infants she was coming to meet? No, he decided again. There was no guarantee that Lily belonged to Jade, and he did not want to cause either of them additional strain while they were in close quarters. Very close quarters, he realized as he reluctantly removed his tail from around her waist.

The Flower was designed for fast, short trips with no more than one or two passengers. A narrow cockpit at the front of the ship contained two chairs and the instrument panel. Behind it was a small multipurpose open area. A seating area that could be converted into two bunks flanked one wall, while the other wall contained minimal cooking facilities and a small sanitary unit. Other than a small cargo area beneath the floor, the engines made up the rest of the ship.

Her sweet, spicy scent had already begun to permeate the small ship, and he realized with a grimace that he was destined to spend the entire trip with a constant erection. Ever since she had caressed his tail, he had been fighting the urge to pull her closer, and when she willingly placed her hand on his arm, showing her trust in him, his heart had skipped a beat.

Jade looked around, then nodded. “It looks much better in here than it does on the outside—I mean, it’s fine on the outside. It’s just a little, umm…”

“Do not worry, my letari. I am aware that the Flower is not the most beautiful of ships. But she is fast and true.”

“What does that mean? Letari?”

“It means little warrior. I am ashamed that I let the young thief get so close to you, but I was impressed by your defensive skills.”

“I’ve been training since my daughter was taken. I wanted to be able to defend her once I had her back.”

“You should never have to defend yourself or your child.”

“That hasn’t been my experience.”

“I am truly sorry. I wish that I could return and teach everyone who hurt you a lesson.”

Her face softened, and she reached out and patted his tail again. Each touch of her hand went straight to his aching cock. Should he tell her that he had understated the matter when he said it was a friendly gesture? No, he decided. Despite his frustration, he didn’t want to miss an opportunity to have her hands on him.

By Granthar! What was he thinking? She would only be with him for a short time, and when she found her daughter—hopefully not Lily—she would no longer be a part of his life. He cleared his throat.

“If you will strap yourself into the other seat, I will prepare for takeoff.”

Chapter Seven

As soon as Jade sat in the copilot’s chair, Inzen showed her how to fasten the harness, resisting the temptation to perform the task himself. Her small frame was swamped by the large chair and he frowned down at her.

“I need to check the harness to make sure it is secure. It is designed for a larger being.”

After studying him for a moment, she nodded.

“All right.”

Although she tried to hide it with a brave face, he could tell that she was nervous. He knelt down next to the chair so that he wouldn’t loom over her. He ran his fingers lightly down the shoulder straps. Although he tried to avoid touching her, he could feel the warmth of her skin as he tested the fit. He moved to the leg straps that circled her thighs and snapped into the buckle over her stomach. He heard her breath catch and, a second later, caught the sweet scent of her arousal.

Concentrate on the task at hand, he ordered himself, but his hand almost trembled as he glided it over the junction between her legs. His hands never trembled.

“It needs to be tighter.” His voice sounded strained even to his own ears.

“All right,” she repeated,

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