Dating Makes Perfect - Pintip Dunn Page 0,67

it was the victory cheer of a guy who had chosen Mat’s side in a bet among his buddies? If the bet involved more than one of his friends, they would’ve picked sides, right?

I drop my face into my hands as doubt slithers through me. I hate that I’m insecure. I hate even more that I’m suddenly questioning our every interaction.

“What’s wrong?” Mat asks, alarmed.

I lift my face. “The bet you made with your friends.” The words come out hoarse, each syllable pushed through a cheese grater. “Did you win?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You said you could make me fall for you,” I say between clenched teeth. “Is that why Ramon looked so thrilled when he caught us? Was he on the right side of the wager?”

I’m not sure what I expect. Maybe embarrassment, denial, even deflection.

Instead, he leans over and kisses me on the cheek.

“Stop that. We’re having a serious conversation,” I say.

“You’re cute,” he says.

My temper spikes. “First of all, that’s incredibly patronizing. And second, you’re avoiding the question.”

“Oh jeez. I didn’t mean to say, you’re cute when you’re mad,” he says, stricken. “I was stalling, and that came out totally wrong. I also think you’re cute when you’re happy. And nervous. And frustrated. You’re extremely cute when you’re hungry. I just…I’m messing this up, aren’t I?”

I soften. “You don’t have to stall. Just be honest.”

He lets out a long, slow breath. “There was no bet,” he says sheepishly. “How’s that for smooth? You asked me why we almost kissed, right after you and Kavya were gushing over the dress you bought with Taran in mind.” He looks pointedly at my necklace. “This green dress, which exactly matches the emerald I got you in the seventh grade.”

“You remember,” I murmur.

His eyes flash. “Of course I remember. I remember everything about you. I could hardly admit that I wanted to be the person you wanted to impress. So I made the bet up.”

“My bet was with Kavya,” I confess, “and I made her wager a whole dollar. Couldn’t convince her to go any higher. The only purpose was to tell you that I had made a bet, too.”

I don’t know who moves first. But all of a sudden, his arms are around my back, and mine circle his neck.

Our location, our circumstances, haven’t changed. We’re still in a quasi-private booth in the corner of Lowcountry. Still on a date that my parents believe is fake. Still shouldn’t engage in PDA, for both my own comfort and my parents’.

And yet, those things fade next to the boy in front of me.

“It worked, you know,” I say. “You achieved your goal. I did fall for you.”

He smiles, and then he tells me the same thing, but without any words.

Chapter Thirty-One

Around one a.m. that night…

Me: How’s the tongue?

Mat: Pretty sure my taste buds = scorched beyond repair

Me: LOLOL. I did warn you

Mat: Which means it’s probably also your duty to soothe me

Me: Glass of milk. Dr Pepper. Both will coat your tongue

Mat: I was hoping for something a little more…personal

Me: You could use the mug I painted for you in 7th grade. That’s personal, amirite? It has flowers on it. And butterflies

Mat: *grumble* Thanks

Me: *big, cheesy grin* Anytime

Mat: Do you think your mom planned for this to happen?

Me: She didn’t exactly pour chili pepper down your throat

Mat: She sent us there. Think about it. Tons of garlic. Enough chilies to breathe fire. Not a bad way to prevent two people from kissing

Me: Garlic’s not a deterrent if we’re both eating it

Mat: *jots note to self* Good to know.

Me: You should’ve seen yourself. Nose flaring, eyes bulged. Now THAT’S a deterrent

Mat: Too bad you didn’t get a pic

Me: Oh, don’t worry. I did

*Sends photo*

Mat: Huh. I didn’t notice you taking this

Me: You didn’t notice much, other than gulping down your water and knocking over mine

Mat: Just saving you from Chicago’s terrible tap water

Me: Sure you were

Mat: I actually look hot here. Check out my biceps. Hello, granite

Me: Figures that’s the first thing you would notice

Mat: Happy to notice more. Send me a pic of you

Me: Not following your logic?

Mat: It’s only fair. Quick. Take one now

Me: Are you sure? I’m wearing my glasses. Eye mask on forehead. Ratty T-shirt

Mat: Stop getting me riled up and do it already!

Me: Fine

I sit up and take a ridiculous selfie. I stare at the girl in the picture for an endless moment. Why does this feel like leaping into the abyss? But if Mat’s at the Copyright 2016 - 2024