A Date to Play Fore - Heidi McLaughlin Page 0,14


“We have a room.”

She jerks to a stop. “Hold up, Greyson. We’re spending the night and sharing a room? I told you I’m not sleeping with you.”

I turn toward her and take small steps until she’s backed against the wall. I lean in really close and say, “I thought you’d like a place to freshen up before we get food, play a couple card games, visit the strip and have dinner. We are set to take a red-eye flight back tonight. That is,” I pause and play with a piece of her hair. Before I can finish, the doors open and the moment is lost. We ride up to our floor and head down the hall. When I reach the door, Leah is right there.

“I overreacted. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I tell her. “I haven’t forgotten your terms.” Placing my phone against the lock, it clicks. I open the door and show Leah into the very suite I do hope to wine and dine her back into later so we can be naked and watch the fountains perform.

“This suite is gorgeous. The view.”

Leah is standing at the window. I go to her and stand so our shoulders are touching. “The view at night is the best. It’s loud, but worth it.”

“I can’t wait.”

I look down at her and smile. “If you want to shower or whatever, you can. I figured we’d get some lunch and then just walk around, check out the different hotels. We have dinner reservations at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant.”

She gasps. “I didn’t bring anything to wear for dinner, Greyson. You said a change of clothes—”

I cut her off by pointing toward the closet. “There might be something hanging in there for you.”

Leah walks over to the closet and pulls the doors open. By the squeal she lets out, I’m assuming she likes the dress hanging there. “Greyson, this is too much.”

“Before you go thinking I spent thousands, it’s a rental.”

She reaches for the garment and then looks at me. “How did you know my size?’

“My business manager is very good at her job.”

“I’ll say.” I heard her mutter before she closed the doors. “I’m going to freshen up.” Leah points to the bathroom and then scrambles to get her bag. She fumbles with her things which makes me laugh. As soon as the door shuts, I collapse on the bed and close my eyes. If I get a twenty-minute nap, I’ll be happy.

My eyes barely close when Leah comes out of the bathroom announcing that she’s ready to go. I spring up off the bed, straighten my shirt, do the customary adjustment to my shorts, and tell her I’ll be back in a second as I step by her and go into the bathroom. Turning the faucet on cold, I splash a handful of water onto my face. Before I can open the door, my nerves hit me like a ton of bricks.

“Fuck,” I say aloud. I’m about to take the girl of my dreams on a date. This could go one of two ways—totally in my favor—or it could backfire. I should’ve taken her to Disneyland or something.

Why in the hell did I choose Vegas?

I can’t delay the inevitable. Opening the door, I walk back into the main room and find Leah looking out the window. I take her all in, every luscious curve, the way her hair cascades over her shoulders, and the perfect pout her lips make. She turns, catching me in the act of staring. Her brows lift as she places her hands on her hips. “Got your eyes full?”

I chuckle. “Hey, I like what I see.” Leah blushes and I love that I can do that to her. “Are you ready to experience Las Vegas?”

“I am,” she says as she comes toward me.

I hold the door open and remind her which way to go toward the elevator. She laughs and asks if I want to take the stairs. She’s such a smart ass and I love it. When we get to the main floor, she veers off into the casino and takes a seat at the blackjack table.

“Okay, so I guess we’re playing.”

She nods. “We are.”

I toss a couple hundred down onto the table and the dealer hands over my chips. I slide them in front of Leah and take the seat next to her. She wins the first couple of hands, loses a couple, but then seems to be doing well. When the server comes by, I order us a couple

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