Darling - K. Ancrum Page 0,72

having fun. Killing people is just the means. Preserving this situation is the ends.

“But if he had you,” Ominotago continued, tilting her head in consideration, “if he had someone who understood that and understood him, who he thought would stay by his side and help him continue this endless illusion, someone innocent-looking, but as smart and cruel as he is … then maybe, just maybe he could have a few more years of being a boy wonder at the center of the family that he always wished he had.”

To Wendy’s surprise, Fyodor shifted in his seat and raised an eyebrow at Ominotago. She quieted and allowed him to pick up the narrative.

“Tinkerbelle did not work, she wasn’t a mother, she is a daughter in all ways that matter to him,” Fyodor said. “Too vulnerable, da? Ominotago is smarter than him and could never be cruel in the way he wants. With her, he would have to push in a way that a man does, not a boy. Unsuitable to Peter’s tastes, these actions.”

“But Peter doesn’t know you,” Tinkerbelle interjected softy. “He hasn’t decided if you fit. Detective Hook is a bastard, but he’s good at his job. We know his profile on Peter; he’s been working on it for years. He might just be right.”

“What do you mean?” Wendy asked warily.

Ominotago bit her lip and thought hard, her brown eyes shifting left to right. “If you…,” she began hesitantly, “were able to get Peter to talk about James … If you were able to get him to brag about James or even tell you what happened, maybe that would be enough to take him in. He needs validation. He’s been holding his viciousness in for a long time, and you’re—”

The door to the room swung open and Detective Hook swaggered inside, flanked by two officers. “It’s not a bad idea,” he said, rubbing at his mustache. “Of course, it’s a shame to hear about your friend James. Really a shame. You have my condolences.”

“We already knew you were listening to us,” Ominotago snapped.

Detective Hook grinned down at Ominotago smarmily, clearly enjoying upsetting her. He waved a hand at the officer to his right, who immediately began uncuffing Charles. He made his way through the group until everyone was freed.

“Did you enjoy your time in confinement?” Detective Hook asked, rubbing his hands together. “Next time we’ll stick to the schedule, won’t we?”

“I hope there will not be a next time,” Fyodor said. “What do you want from us?”

Detective Hook smiled brightly, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “From you? Nothing. In fact, you, Charles, Minsu, and Ominotago are free to go. You’ve served your purpose tonight. Genevieve, Trevor, and Brian, come with me.” He turned sharply on a heel and walked out into the hallway.

Wendy followed them all out of the room, pausing by the door as Tinkerbelle stopped in front of Ominotago. Tinkerbelle gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and hugged her tightly.

To Wendy’s surprise, Ominotago hugged her. “You’ve got this, Wendy,” she said quietly. “It was an honor to meet you.” Ominotago kissed Wendy on the cheek and squeezed her shoulder hard, then followed the officer.

Charles stuck out a hand for Wendy to shake, but she pulled him into a hug anyway.

Minsu wrapped himself on the outside of Charles and Wendy’s hug. “You’re the real deal, Wendy. Even if you are named after a sandwich restaurant,” he said tenderly into the side of Charles’s neck.

Charles smacked him on the back of the head.

“Fine. Sorry.” Minsu laughed. “It was NICE to MEET you, TOO. You can add me on social media or whatever; I have them all.” He followed Ominotago down the hall.

Charles rolled his eyes fondly and went after him. “Good luck,” he called over his shoulder as he walked away. “You can add me, too.”

Fyodor had been hanging behind on purpose. Curly, Nibs, and Tinkerbelle all watched gleefully as he sauntered up to Wendy, arms tucked behind his back.

“It was really nice to meet you,” Wendy offered. She could feel her cheeks getting hot again.

Fyodor nodded. He gestured to her face. “Another to match, da?” he asked softly. The tips of his ears were bright pink.

Wendy was confused. “What?”

“HE WANTS TO KISS YOUR CHEEK,” Minsu shouted horribly from fifty feet down the hallway.

“Oh my God,” Wendy said as embarrassment burned up her entire body. “Oh my God, oh my God.”

“Just do it,” Curly said in anguish, also red with second-hand embarrassment. “Detective Hook is gonna come

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