Darkness Embraced (Hades Hangmen #7) - Tillie Cole Page 0,134

bruises, I kissed her.

When I pulled back, I pressed my forehead to hers and just breathed. There was no sound but the candle wicks burning. Only silence . . . until the deafening sound of a gunshot thundered around the chapel. Adelita’s body suddenly tensed and her eyes widened. I staggered back when she went limp in my arms, her lips parting like she was struggling to breathe. I didn’t even get a chance to turn around, to see who was there, when another shot rang out. Red-hot pain immediately shot through my side. Trying to keep hold of Adelita, I slumped to the ground, taking her with me, when my legs gave out. Another shot fired, and Father Reyes hit the floor. Another shot; the priest-in-training dropped. I managed to look up and saw Diego Medina. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had his gun aimed back at Adelita.

Lifting my numbing hand into my jeans, I pulled out my gun and, even with fading strength, lifted my torso from the floor and fired a single shot his way. The bullet sailed through Diego’s neck, but not before his gun went off again too, firing a bullet into my chest. The shot knocked me back onto the floor. I blinked, I tried to fucking blink, but the world began to blur. My heartbeat was too slow, my blood as thick as tar. Everything was moving too fucking slow!

My mind fogged with confusion. I tried to think why I was here . . . where I was . . . then I saw her. I saw the purple dress . . . I saw her arm stretched out toward me. I recognized her immediately. My wife. I would always recognize my wife. “Lita . . .” I whispered and started to crawl toward her. Pain fucking stabbed in my side and chest, numbness sweeping through my limbs. But I had to get to her. “Lita . . .” I said again. Her eyes were closed, and there was blood pooling beneath her.

Reaching out, I took hold of her left hand. I gripped it as my eyes started to close. I felt her wedding ring on her finger. And I held on tight. Held on even though I couldn’t feel a single part of my body anymore . . . until my eyes closed.

Until, together, we sank into darkness.

Chapter Seventeen


I was thirsty. I tried to swallow but my throat hardly worked. “Lita?” A female voice called my name. I opened my eyes, but the light was too bright. I flinched, and panic started to set in. A hand slipped into mine—it was a comfort. I felt weak. I could barely lift my arms. “Shh, everything’s okay, darlin’. You’re safe. Y’all are safe.”

My brain was foggy. I tried to remember. I thought about what had happened. There’d been a chapel . . . candles . . . a stone floor . . . I hitched a breath when I remembered Tanner. Walking toward Tanner, his strong body waiting for me in front of the altar. His blue eyes, misty with tears . . . rings . . . two wedding rings . . .

Then gunshots.



My eyes opened, and I flinched as daylight pierced through my skull. My heart was racing too fast. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t . . . “Tann . . .” I tried to speak. Tears built in my eyes. “Tann . . . er?”

“It’s okay, darlin’. You’re okay. You’re safe.” My blurred vision cleared enough that I saw Beauty. Beauty was beside me. She was the one holding my hand. “You’re okay, darlin’. Try to keep calm.”

But I couldn’t. All I could hear were gunshots echoing around my head . . . see Tanner falling to the stone floor . . . his determined face as he fought to crawl toward me . . . then nothing. “Tanner?’ I pushed out through a raw throat. “I . . . need . . . Tanner . . .”

“He’s here, darlin’. He’s alive. Look.” Beauty pointed to my left. I rolled my heavy head in that direction. Tanner was in a bed beside me. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but he was too far away. That’s where my relief ended. His eyes were closed. His naked torso was covered in bandages.

He wore an oxygen mask and sported an IV, attached to his hand. My lip wobbled, concern and sadness consuming me. “Tanner . . .” I tried to

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