Darkness Embraced (Hades Hangmen #7) - Tillie Cole Page 0,125

trying to escape. Diablos are making contact with Valdez.” AK lowered his rifle. “The camp is ours.”

I turned to the fucker on the floor. As I pocketed my knife and gun, Ky spoke my sign aloud. “Where’s Landry, Beau Ayers, and the governor?” I stepped closer until my foot stepped on the fucker’s fingers. I smiled when his bones crunched under my boot.

The Nazi looked up, but only after the pissant had stopped screaming. “Not here,” he spat out through gritted teeth . . . then the asshole tried to smile. Taking my knife from my pocket, I started slicing an “H” into his chest. He screamed again, his body jumping. Tank yanked up his head.

“Where are they, cunt?” Ky snarled. When the prick didn’t answer, I dug my knife across his stomach. “He can do this all day,” Ky said, as the Nazis eyes started to roll in pain.

Tank leaned down. “Tell us where they are, Keaton, and where you’ve got Tanner, and it’ll be a quick death.” At the mention of Tanner, the fucker smiled. Blood stained his teeth.

He spat blood to the floor. “That traitor will die,” he hissed.

Will die . . . Tanner was still alive.

Moving in front of the Nazi, I rolled my neck, then drove my blade into his thigh. He nearly passed the fuck out. With every new slice or cut I made, he screamed until he was too fucking far gone to scream anymore.

“Tell us,” Tank demanded. The Nazi was close to death—but not close enough. I could make this last a few more hours at least. “Tell us and it’ll be quick.”

The Nazi met my eyes. Then his bruised lips opened. “Safe house . . . fifteen miles . . . north west.”

“How do we get there?” Ky asked.

“Private . . . road.”

“And where’s Tanner?” Tank pushed.

The Nazi smiled again. It boiled my fucking piss. “He’ll be there . . . by now.” He choked on the blood starting to claw its way up his throat, but managed, “He’ll be killed . . . the White Prince will fall.”

I sliced my knife across his mouth, shutting him the fuck up, then stabbed the fucker in the neck. His eyes widened, and Tank kicked the asshole to the floor as he choked on his blood. I turned to AK. “Coordinates,” I signed.

“On it,” he said, and took the area map Valdez had sent us from his cut. AK marked out where the safe house was. “We’ll have to go most of the way by foot or they’ll hear us.”

I heard the sound of cars entering the camp. “Valdez?” Ky asked.

“Should be,” I signed.

“Be ready to fight,” Ky told the brothers, and I led the way into back into the center of the camp. I stopped just as we got outside.

“Y’all go for Tanner. We’ll follow as soon as this is done.” I pointed to myself and Ky. I held my cell up to AK. “Send me the route.” He nodded, and our brothers took off.

Three black cars stopped in the center of the camp. Dead Nazis, some fallen Diablos and Hangmen littered the ground. A guy in a black suit got out of the driver’s side door of the middle car. He opened the back door, and an older man got out. I stepped to the front of my men, and he immediately came toward me. “Styx Nash, I presume?”

Ky stepped beside me. “He doesn’t talk.”

“The Hangmen Mute,” Valdez said. “I’ve heard of you. I’m glad we finally got to work together.”

I lifted my hands and signed, “Is the Quintana cartel yours?” Ky spoke for me.

“It is.”

I stared at the fucker with slicked-back hair and an expensive suit. “Where is she?” I tried to see inside the other cars. I couldn’t see any sign of Adelita.

Valdez shook his head. “She wasn’t there.” I tensed, and the muscle in my jaw twitched. I glared at this fucker. He must have seen I was still caught in bloodlust and was a second from slitting his throat, as he held up his hands. “We had a deal, Mr. Nash. You wanted the girl alive. For me to not kill her. I gave my word. She wasn’t at the hacienda.”

“Diego Medina?” Ky asked.

“Fled. Alone, we believe.” My teeth ground in fury. “He won’t get far. My men are everywhere. He has no allies and nowhere to go that will offer him safety. It won’t be long until he is discovered . . . and then he

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