The Darkness Before the Dawn - By Ryan Hughes Page 0,52

then turned around and lumbered away.

“I don’t like tests,” Jedra said to Kitarak. “And I don’t like fighting, especially when it’s not necessary.”

Kitarak bobbed his head in an exaggerated parody of a nod. “Point taken,” he said. “I will remember that.” He began walking again, making a wide circle around the flailer.

* * *

The tohr-kreen was tireless. They stopped for a break only once that afternoon, just long enough to eat a few strips of dried z’tal meat and wash it down with a swallow of water, then didn’t stop again until Jedra and Kayan finally called a halt long after sunset.

“We can’t go any farther tonight,” Kayan gasped, leaning against a rock for support. Jedra felt completely drained as well, worse than after a long convergence with Kayan.

“What?” Kitarak said indignantly. His tall, spiky body stood out in sharp silhouette against the night sky. “Certainly you may rest, but not all night. We have many miles to travel yet.”

“We can do it in the morning,” Kayan said. “Right now we’re cold and tired and we need to sleep. Don’t you?”

“Tohr-kreen do not sleep.”

“Great. Well, humans do, and so do half-elves. You can stand guard.”

Kitarak clicked and rasped in agitation, but it was obvious his traveling companions weren’t going to move any more until they had rested. “Very well,” he said. “Sleep then.” He lowered his pack to the ground, removed the piece of tinkercraft he had recovered from the ruins, and began polishing its tarnished mirrors with a strip of cloth.

Jedra and Kayan found a low spot where a few inches of sand had filled in a hollow in the rock, and after making sure nothing else had claimed it ahead of them, they lay down to sleep. Kayan faced away from Jedra and pressed her back against him. He put his arms around her without prompting this time, even drew her close to him and folded his body alongside hers.

I never thought I’d say this about sleeping on the ground, but this feels wonderful, Kayan mindsent.

It does, Jedra replied.

I could sleep for a week. She paused, then added, Do you trust him to keep watch?

Jedra tried once again to sense any danger from the tohr-kreen, but he felt only the alien presence behind them. It was muted somehow—evidently Kitarak was already preoccupied with cleaning his treasure. When Jedra concentrated he felt an oddness to Kitarak’s psionic impression, a sense of something more beneath the surface, but whatever it was, it didn’t seem hostile.

I don’t feel anything to worry about, Jedra said.

Good. I don’t think I could do anything about it now even if you did. She tilted her head back. Good night.

Good night. They kissed. Her soft, warm lips drew all of Jedra’s attention, and suddenly he felt himself slipping into convergence with her.

It flooded over them in a sudden rush of sensation, warming and tingling their entire bodies. They were no longer two people kissing; they were the kiss itself, a focus of energy swirling through that point of contact until their entire being existed only where their lips met.

Startled by the intensity of it, they pulled back. The link broke, but not with the devastating letdown of before. A far more primal connection was being forged. They paused with their lips just brushing, feeling each other’s breath against their cheeks, tasting the delicious memory of the kiss.

Starlight twinkled in Kayan’s eyes. “Wow,” she whispered.

Jedra didn’t trust himself to speak, not even with his mind. So he kissed her again.

Whether they mindlinked again or not, he couldn’t say. There was no sudden transition, no moment of otherness—just an incredible rush of sensation and excitement.

Mmmm, Kayan sent. Just wait until I get you alone.

Jedra opened his eyes and looked at her. That almost sounds like a threat, he said.

She smiled mischievously. Considering what just happened, it might be.

He brushed her hair away from her neck and kissed her there. That’s a risk I’d be willing to take.

Mmmm. Me, too. But not tonight. Not when we’re already exhausted and with Kitarak watching.

Reluctantly, Jedra said, Yeah, you’re probably right. I wish you weren’t, though. He sighed and lowered his head to rest on his arm. Kayan turned away and pressed her back against him again.

Sweet dreams, she said.

* * *

His dreams started out sweet enough. Jedra imagined himself and Kayan all alone in the king’s palace, romping playfully through the lush gardens and splashing one another in the fountains. After a long chase, he finally caught her around the waist Copyright 2016 - 2024