Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,71


"We need to up our plans again," I said, changing the subject and closing the door again on that bullshit. "I know everything I need to about the ipump 500 to neutralise the Order Suppressant when we’re ready to and Sin has promised to get me the ingredients I need."

"And you seriously trust him?" Roary asked sceptically.

"Sin may be batshit crazy, but he isn't a liar," I said a little firmly. "He's open and honest about what he wants and what he is willing to do to get it, and I have to say that I much prefer that to Fae who speak in riddles and bullshit. He told me he already has a plan to get the Sunstone Crystal, then I'm just waiting on him getting the Nevercot Plum and I'm all set. And, I managed to retrieve the Nepula Weed I hid in the wall in my cell because that stronzo Ethan left a brick loose when he came looking for me after he stole the key. Anyway, our most pressing issue is figuring out where we’re going to dig from and how we’re going to get Plunger onboard without alerting anyone to the fact that we're up to something. If we just start hanging around with that fucking creep, people are going to notice. No one is his friend by choice."

"I actually came here to talk to you about that," Roary said and when I glanced at him I found him smirking like a smug bastardo. "Because I think I've found the perfect place for us to dig our tunnel."

"Oh yeah?" I asked eagerly, shifting so that I was facing him and crossing my legs beneath me.

"Yeah. So, it turns out that the library needs a re-stock-"

"That's not surprising, the books in there are older than my Aunt Lasita," I muttered.

"Yeah, well they want all of the books gone through and a lot of the old shit will need to be removed to make way for some glossy new books all dedicated to helping us improve as Fae."

"You're losing me, Roar, what does this have to do with-"

"It's a work detail. One that will require the convicts on it to spend hours and hours alone in the library stacking dusty shelves. And as we know, there are a lot of CCTV blind spots in the library and I'm sure there's a shelf we could move aside to hide the fact that we’re digging a hole..."

My lips parted as I realised he was right. This was exactly what we needed, I just had to figure out how I was going to get some antidote to the Order Suppressant so that Plunger could use his Order gifts to dig the damn tunnel. Then it was just a matter of making sure that everyone on that work detail knew how to keep their fucking mouths shut.

"How many people do they want on the job?" I asked.

"Nine. And Officer Lyle is sweet on me, so he already said I can have a spot if I want it. He's Sin's CO too so with a bit of luck it won't take too much convincing to get him assigned the job as well. He hasn't had any work since coming out of the hole and he's been on somewhat good behaviour - or at least hasn't been caught out doing too many things he shouldn't. So I'm sure we can convince Lyle to give him a spot."

"Okay. So, with Plunger that'll be four. We can't risk the other spots going to unknowns so is there anyone in this dump who you'd like to bring when we run? Because I think to make this work we're going to have to open up the guest list, otherwise they'll have no reason to be loyal and help us cover what we're doing. And the risk of them figuring it out and then blabbing is too high if we try to hide it so we need them in from the get go."

"My second, Claud, has been here a hell of a long time for a crime he didn’t commit and still has a hell of a long stretch to go. He's missing out on seeing his kids grow up and he's been a rock for me throughout my stint," Roary said as he considered it. "We can trust him."

"Okay," I agreed. "He's in. I'll bring Sonny too and make up the rest of the count from my pack. I just need a few days to decide on

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