Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,64

now in fact. You been missing me, sugar tits?” he purred, smirking and I didn’t bother to answer.

He stepped up to the panel to read his Horoscope and I folded my arms, glaring at him impatiently. He was one of the few assholes who could pose a real challenge to me in Darkmore, so it wasn’t worth the aggro of fighting him, especially when he still had a hold of me. I could wait a couple of minutes I supposed. Though he was taking his sweet damn time, humming a song under his breath which I swear was the Jurassic Park theme tune.

“Take your time,” I said overly sarcastically, and he glanced my way, his dark eyes narrowing but there was a crazy smile on his lips too.

“Oh I will, kitten.” He cocked his head to one side as he read the words on the screen and I ground my jaw as he rubbed his chin in thought, putting on a show just to piss me off.

“We’re in a hole underground, deep, deep, deep in the depths of the ground,” a girl sang somewhere behind me and I threw a look down the line, spotting Bullseye with her pink hair and petite features. She rocked her head from side to side, continuing her made up song and a frown pulled at my brow. “They put us in the earth like we’re dead, dead, dead. Bang, poof, whop, chop!” She giggled, leaning in to lick the back of a girl’s neck who moved up a step to put some distance between them.

“Hey,” I called to Bullseye. I hadn’t had many jobs to offer her lately, but she was still loyal to me. I didn’t like the feeling in my stomach over seeing her like this. She wasn’t acting right.

“Oh wow it’s the Wolf lord, the big Lunar cheese. Awoooo!” She cupped her hands around her mouth, tipping her head back. “How does the moon hear you all the way down here? She must have big flappy ears that are listening all the time to all the little Werewolves scurrying across the earth.” She stepped out of the line, running off down into the Fate Room and crawling under a Tarot card table out of sight.

I cursed under my breath, running my fingers through my hair. That was not good. Bullseye was a damn good ally, but if she’d caught the crazy in here, she was no good to me. I wanted to do something about it, but there was nothing I could do to help her. It was just a sad fact in Darkmore. Once someone lost their mind, it was only a matter of time before they were dragged off to Psych.

I turned my gaze back onto one crazy asshole who somehow walked the line of just sane enough to remain in the main prison. Made no sense to me. If anyone needed crazy pills it was this guy.

Sin looked to me, gesturing for me to step up to the screen without moving an inch. “Go ahead, I’m done.”

I moved forward, but he didn’t step back and I growled in warning. “This is private, get out of here.”

Everyone else on the stairs was keeping well away, but Sin was leaning in closer and he suddenly slid his arm around my shoulders, squeezing firmly like he was reminding me he owned me.

“Nah, I’m gonna stay right here, kitten. We’re on the same team today, so I need to make sure the stars aren’t going to fuck us.”

“What are you talking about? I’m not on your team.” I shoved him off but he just got closer, nudging me toward the screen and smiling like we were best friends playing around. But that was not what we were one fucking bit.

“You are today,” he said. “I’m the captain and you’re my little bitch. Say ‘aye aye, captain’.” He grabbed my cheeks, squeezing to make my mouth move in time with those words and I snarled, shoving my palms into his chest as my hackles rose.

“Touch me again and I’ll rip your throat out,” I warned.

“You’re a very angry little Werewolf,” he taunted, still fucking smiling. “And you know what I’ll do if you don’t play along.” He cocked a brow and my jaw locked tight. I’d put so much effort into keeping mine and Rosalie’s secret still a damn secret, and this motherfucker was testing the limits of my sanity while he dangled it over my head.

Sin tipped his head back, cupping his

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