Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,59

said, leaning closer to me.

I was about to punch him in his smarmy face when he swung the door open for me and I spotted Dante sitting inside the room waiting for me.

All thoughts of pervert guards and asshole Lions and unwanted mates abandoned me as a shriek of excitement escaped my lips and I raced into the room at full speed.

I leapt over the table and landed in his lap, hard enough to knock his chair flying and send the two of us crashing to the ground as I locked my arms around him.

"Gah! Calm down, crazy lupa or I'll have to tell Mamma that you lost your damn mind in here," Dante joked as he managed to get to his feet and hauled me up with him, wrapping his arms around me properly as I snuggled against his chest and felt the familiar touch of static electricity on his skin from his Storm Dragon gifts.

"Try not to get too frisky, you two," Nixon said from the doorway, winking suggestively and I sneered in disgust. What the fuck was with him and why the fuck would he think I might be open to his brand of revolting perversions? I was going to have to do something about him if he didn’t realise that he needed to back the fuck off of me sharpish.

"He's my cousin, stronzo," I spat.

"Ooo, even naughtier," he said, waggling his eyebrows as he closed the door between us.

"What the fuck?" Dante asked but I just rolled my eyes.

"Never mind the creepy bastardo," I said. "I need to know how everyone is at home and then I want you to tell me all about your birthday plans. I know you wanted to have them early this year, but please tell me I didn’t miss out on all the excitement while I was stuck in the hole?"

Dante smirked at me as we moved to take our chairs again. His birthday plans were really just a code for the date I picked for the escape and obviously after missing out on three months of my life while officer dickweed left me to rot in the hole had set me back a bit, but that was okay. Because I was back now and I was ready to get the fuck out of here.

“Did you get all of my letters before they sent you to isolation?” he asked me, clearly needing to know if I’d gotten all of the information I needed on the ipump 500.

“Yeah,” I said with a grin. “They were great, thank you. Just what I needed to take my mind off of my problems.”

Dante chuckled and cast a glance around the room at the cameras and I was sure they’d be listening into our conversations too so we had to be careful.

“Good. And did your friend ever make it back out of Psych?” he asked casually.

“No,” I admitted, releasing a breath and letting him see that there was much more to that story by the look in my eyes, but there was no way I could explain everything that had happened with Sook Min to him here. “And apparently no one ever does, so…”

“I guess you’ll have to make some other friends then?” he asked, his brow pinching with concern and I was willing to bet he didn’t like how much of my plans had already gone wrong but I wasn’t exactly thrilled about it either.

“Yeah.” I didn’t think that Dante would like the sound of Plunger all that much, so I just turned the conversation back to our family, his wife, the kids, I wanted to hear about everything and just pretend I hadn’t missed it all for a little while.

The time ran away way too fast and before I knew it, Officer Nixon was opening up the door again and telling me to say my goodbyes.

“I actually ran into an old friend the other day,” Dante said as my heart sank at the idea of him leaving so soon and I could tell by the way his mouth twitched in amusement that this was about something important which we needed to slip past the guards’ comprehension.

“Oh yeah? Who was that?” I asked, ignoring the feeling of Nixon’s gaze on me.

“You remember that old Bear Shifter who lived next door to us?” Dante asked and I frowned in confusion because the only people who lived anywhere around the Oscura family home were other Oscuras, but he went on without letting me question him.

“Well he was

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