Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,45

hadn't found many people in this life who had seen him as more than just an object for sexual gratification and seeing as his Order form let him slip into the skin of people's wildest fantasies, I could totally see why he believed that was all anyone would ever want from him.

The assholes who wanted him to shift so they could fuck him didn't want him, they wanted the object of their desire, so they wouldn't want to get to know anything about who he truly was. But I was coming to realise that I did. I loved his brand of insane - aside from when it led to psychotic monsters being set loose - but there was a real freedom to him and the fact that he was totally uninhibited that made me want to dive off of the next cliff with him and find out where we landed. Of course, he'd be stuck in the hole all week so there wouldn’t be much chance of that, but maybe I’d give it some more consideration for when he was released, assuming none of the asshole guards decided to add to his time like they had mine.

And Roary...ergh it hurt to think about Roary. Shit, it had always kinda hurt to think about Roary, but now he was close and kept reeling me in despite the fact that he swore he didn't want me. So maybe I was just a nice little reminder of home for him. An escape plan, an easy ticket out of here and nothing more. But fuck, when I thought about the way he'd kissed me before he'd pulled away, I lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree from the inside out. My lips still tingled at the mere memory of that kiss and my heart pounded the way it had when I was a teenager and he used to come hang out at my aunt's vineyard. Shit, wanting him hurt so fucking bad sometimes that I was tempted to swear off men for life. Or maybe I should just go take part in a pack orgy and let them work to satisfy me. Surely if they all were putting in enough effort, it would be good... Aside from the fact that the idea of all of those lower ranking Wolves pawing at me and panting over me left me as dry as the Ilorian Desert. Great. Alpha assholes for life then.

A low buzz finally sounded downstairs as the guards arrived and I groaned in appreciation as I sat up in my cot.

"Open on three, cell twelve," Cain's voice suddenly came from beyond the sheet I had hanging over the bars at the front of my cell and I cursed his speedy Vampire ways a moment before he tugged it down and my cell door rattled open.

"Morning, Twelve," he said crisply, looking at me like he didn't know me from Adam, before giving his attention to an Atlas in his hand. "We need to have a meeting this morning about the correctional programs you are going to be assigned to and as you have visitation following breakfast, I think now is the best time to have it."

"Sure," I said, smiling sweetly as I hopped out of my bunk and moved to grab a clean jumpsuit from my shelf. "It's not like I need to eat or anything. I've been enjoying playing count the ribs since you left me to starve in the hole."

Cain frowned but didn't say anything as I tugged my jumpsuit on and then added socks and boots to my outfit. Man, I missed dressing the way I liked. I hadn't given much thought to the uniform when coming in here and I'd never been a girly girl parading around in sweet dresses, but I missed the feeling of jeans cupping my ass and shirts that weren't fucking orange. I seriously needed to go shopping once I escaped this pit. Hell, at this point I’d gladly take one of Aunt Bianca’s hideous floral dresses over this stars damned uniform.

When I was ready, Cain beckoned me like a dog and turned to stalk off down the walkway. I followed along obediently, glancing at Roary as I passed his cell where he'd moved to stand with his arms trailing out through the bars. He reached for me as I passed but I dodged his hand, not even caring when a frown pinched his brow. He'd made it clear he didn't want the stupid little pup so

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