Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,216

the room from the Belorian while Sin started cursing somewhere behind us, clearly back in his Fae form.

"You were always planning this, weren't you?" Cain demanded, his gaze fixed on me and filled with betrayal. "Every time we were down on the maintenance level. Every time you were whispering things in my ear and trying to get me to tell you about the way this place was run-"

"Of course she was playing you, you fucking idiot," Ethan growled. "What else did you think it was? You can’t have seriously thought she liked you?"

I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could, the Belorian shrieked behind us and launched itself straight for Cain who threw a massive fireball out and away from himself in retaliation.

Ethan roared a challenge as he threw one of his daggers at the beast, followed by a flood of water.

Sin hollered like a madman and a tornado tore through the library at his command, sending shelves tumbling as all of the combined magic collided with the force of a tsunami and knocked me off of my feet.

I was swept away on a sea of wind and water and I cried out in fright as I lost sight of everyone in the carnage.

I ran along one of the tunnels created by the bloodthirsty worms with Claud at my side and screams ringing through my skull. These tunnels were unstable and the whole ground seemed to shake as earth tumbled from the ceiling and cascaded over me. I couldn’t see shit and was running with one hand against the wall as I tried to find a way out. But the only way we were getting out of here was if we found our way back to the tunnel we'd originally come from. I just didn’t know how we were going to manage that when we were as blind as bats without Plunger’s light to guide us.

"Keep going, Roary," Claud breathed in encouragement, his voice shaking a little. “We’ll make it out. We just have to keep going.”

“We will. We’ve gotta fucking live,” I said in agreement.

My heart jerked almost painfully in my chest as more screams called from behind us, but I didn't slow, following the tunnel we were in as it curved sharply to the right. I was fairly sure it was heading in the right direction so I quickened my pace, pulling Claud along with me as fear licked along my spine. We were trying to be as quiet as possible, unsure how those things hunted, but every step we took sounded as loud as gunfire in my ears.

A dim red light appeared up ahead and I raced towards it with hope in my heart, sure it must be Plunger.

"Hey," I hissed to try and grab his attention, but he didn't slow, carving a tunnel into the wall ahead of us to try and get away.

Gustard suddenly spilled out of a passage to my right made by the worms, his perfectly ironed jumpsuit now splattered with blood and his hair a mess which fell forward into his eyes. One of his men was hot on his heels, but there was no sign of the other one.

"Those things ate Ronaldo," Gustard cursed. "You and your mutt whore have led me to my death." He lunged at me, throwing a punch into my gut and I growled, shoving him back a step just as a loud tremor sounded close by.

I lurched away from Gustard, dragging Claud to the opposite side of the tunnel as the rumblings grew louder. My heart leapt as one of those vile worms burst through the wall opposite me. It paused, its face nothing but two tiny white eyes with a flat nose that sucked in air above its wide mouth and I got the feeling it knew we were all here. It smelled like rotten eggs and I fought down the bile rising in my throat as its breath washed over us.

I carefully pulled the shank from my pocket, ready to defend myself with everything I had if it came to it.

It turned its face towards Gustard and I prayed it would get busy eating him so we could make a run for it. Plunger was still burrowing into his own tunnel, the light from his nose slowly fading with him as he made a break for it.

The worm suddenly released a grumbling noise and lunged for Gustard. The bastard grabbed his own man, swinging him around in front of him and the

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