Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,193

on my feet. His gaze slid to Sin and I turned to look at him too, his chest bare and cock straining against his pants with the desperate need to be fulfilled.

"Do you want him too?" Ethan asked me, his voice hard but the smallest thread of lust in there as well.

"Yes," I breathed, because I couldn't deny it. My body was tingling with satisfaction and I was achy in all the right ways, but looking at Sin had me wanting more. I wanted to please him too and feel him bow to my desire the way that Ethan had.

"Well it's my job to keep my mate happy," Ethan said and I turned to look at him in surprise, wondering if he really meant that or not. But he could have made Sin leave the moment he'd arrived and instead he'd let him stay, watch, even join in a little.

"Do you really mean that?" I asked, arching a brow at him.

"Only one way to find out," Ethan replied darkly, pushing himself to his feet and jerking his chin to beckon Sin closer.

The Incubus didn't need any more encouragement than that and he grabbed me, pushing me against the wall as he kissed me again and I moaned for him, my hands running down his bare chest until I found his waistband.

Ethan moved up beside us, tugging my chin to break my kiss with Sin before stealing my lips for himself.

Sin turned his head and kissed Ethan's jaw before moving his mouth to his neck and I moaned as I watched them, my heart pounding with excitement.

Sin lifted my leg and curled it around his hip, his cock pressing against my opening in the most arousing way before he drove it in deep and slow, making sure I felt the passage of his piercings all the way in.

Ethan growled as he drew back to look at us and I reached out to take his hardening cock in my hand, wanting him to be a part of this. Sin began to roll his hips, making his pubic piercing grind against my clit and I gasped as pleasure skittered through my over sensitised skin.

Sin gripped Ethan's jaw and tugged him close, kissing him as he fucked me while I began to work my hand up and down his shaft. It was so fucking hot. I didn’t think I’d ever been so turned on in all my life.

Ethan broke his kiss with Sin in favour of me and my lips parted for his tongue as I was overloaded with sensations.

Sin's hand moved over mine, helping me work Ethan and the three of us started thrusting and grinding together in this perfect synchronicity which was most definitely being helped by the Incubus's natural affinity for sex.

His piercing rubbed against my clit and had me moaning and begging and rocking my hips against him harder and harder until my whole body was worked up into this frenzy of want and need.

With a deep thrust of his hips, Sin forced another orgasm on me, slamming his dick into me as I rode the wave of it over and over again until he was coming too and we forced Ethan to join us in our ecstasy and he bit down on my lip as he growled out a curse.

We sagged back against the wall in a tangle of panting, sweaty limbs and I couldn't help but laugh as I pressed back against the cold stone wall behind me.

"Well that certainly helped me out with the tension I was feeling," I teased.

"There had to be a good reason for me to be on the escape team, wild girl," Sin chuckled and Ethan released a breath of laughter too.

"I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be pissed about this," Ethan muttered, a smirk playing around his lips.

"Says who, stronzo?" I teased. "The moon chose me for you and she knew full well that I'm not the type to be tamed easily. Maybe she sent us Sin too."

"Yeah, I felt the moon alright," Sin agreed. "She was shining on my cock and whispering your names to it. I'd say the bitch knows what she's up to."

"Fuck off," Ethan cursed, rolling his eyes, but when his gaze met mine, the heat in them said he wasn't in the least bit annoyed. He'd enjoyed that just as much as I had.

We moved apart and located our clothes, tugging them on in silence that was thick with the memories of what we'd just done and

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