Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,128

the corridors, racing downstairs to the gymnasium. It was quiet as I slowed outside the door and I cracked my neck before shoving it open, hearing groans and whimpers from somewhere close by.

I hit a solid air shield barring my way forward and cursed, slamming a hand against it.

“Hey, Nixon! You in here?” I snarled, fighting to keep the rage from my tone.

The changing room door pushed open and Nixon hobbled out, his pants burned off around his crotch and his hands cupped over his fried junk.

“H-help me,” he stammered and the air shield fell away in front of me. “The Belorian showed up and I-I had to fight it off. I could only h-half heal myself and now I’m out of magic.”

“What happened?” I strode toward him at a slow pace, my voice dropping an octave as I savoured his pain. I wanted to see if he’d own up to what he’d done, to see if I needed to add lying to the list of crimes I was going to punish him for.

“That little whore assigned to you – the Wolf girl, Twelve – she fucking attacked me,” he said passionately, anger in his eyes. “We need to punish her, Cain. Fucking destroy her for this.”

The last of my resolve vanished in the blink of an eye and I shot towards him in a blur, knocking him back through the door forcefully so he crashed onto his ass in the changing room while I stalked after him and kicked the door shut.

He gasped in alarm, throwing up his hands to hold me back, but no magic came out. His charred junk came into view and I lifted my foot, slamming my boot down on his crotch and crushing his cock and balls beneath my heel, making him scream like a fucking baby. I flicked my fingers, raising a silencing bubble so the rest of his screams remained contained as I pressed my weight down harder, my upper lip pulled back in a sneer.

“Lie to me again,” I growled, the monster in me taking over. “I dare you to.”

“Mason, stop,” he croaked like the toad he was. The guy rarely spoke a word to me or I to him. We weren’t friends. I wasn’t going to pity him. And if he was appealing to my better nature, he was about to discover that I didn’t have one.

I twisted my ankle, crushing his junk harder as I thought of him trying to abuse Rosalie.

“What are you doing?!” he wailed, clutching my leg as he tried to fight me off. But with his magic tapped out and my Vampire strength thrumming powerfully in my veins, he could do fuck all to stop me. Except shift into his Order form. But shifting into a Toad wouldn’t stop me from choking the motherfucker and I could do even more damage if I stomped on him in that form.

I grabbed his neck, taking my foot off of his groin and lifting him up, slamming him against the wall above me with one hand so his feet kicked and jerked off the ground. I punched him solidly in the face, then again to drive the message home, relishing the feeling of my knuckles splitting with the blow.

“You ever touch Rosalie Oscura again, and I’ll kill you. And if you wanna go to the warden about my threat, then I’ll request a Cyclops interrogation to prove what you did to her and what you tried to do to her. Do you understand me?”

He was turning blue as my hand locked tighter around his thick neck and the scent of his zapped dick was making my nose wrinkle in disgust.

His skin started to seep with a thick, green gloop, one of his Order gifts releasing the pungent sludge that could poison me if it got on my skin. I let him go before it touched me, and he crashed to the floor in a crumpled heap at my feet. He curled up in a ball, croaking feebly as the slime coated his bald head in an effort to protect him better. He was fucking pathetic.

“Why do you care about h-her?” he stammered, and I noted he hadn’t answered me.

Fire blazed to life in my hands and I leaned down, grabbing his face in my palms which was currently still clean of the toad slime and forcing him to look at me while he screamed once more, thrashing and fighting as my power seared the flesh from his skin.


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