Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,101

like the crap they give you down in the Mess Hall." He was looking at Rosa, his eyes all glimmery and shit as he watched her sip from her cup.

"Mmm," she moaned, the sound so sexual it gave my dick even more ammo in its argument against me not wanting her.

Hastings’ jaw dropped a little as he watched her throat bob as she swallowed. Then she made a show of licking her lips that we were both glued to and I had a perfectly inappropriate vision of her licking the tip of my cock with that tongue, tasting me, wanting me. Fuck. I really had to get my head straight. I was in the middle of a seriously important job. I could not screw this up because I was getting hard for my friend’s little cousin. By the stars, I was pathetic over her sometimes.

I looked away and Hastings cleared his throat, blushing slightly as he raised his cup to us and headed for the door again. "I'll leave you to fill in the forms."

He closed the door behind him and Rosa grinned at me while I started picturing Plunger's hairy ass in the shower this morning to soften my boner. It worked like a ship hitting a rock and sank it good.

Rosa started filling out the survey and I turned to face mine, starting with the first question.

Do you feel confident that your behaviour is improving since you first came to Darkmore Penitentiary?

I scribbled out some bullshit answer, moving through the questions slowly to make sure we had plenty of time. After ten minutes, Rosa got up from her seat, shooting me a grin before heading to the door and opening it. Hastings immediately stepped into her way, clearly having been standing sentinel outside the door.

"Can you show me to the bathroom?" she whispered.

Hastings glanced in at me and I dropped my eyes to the page, working on my next answer.

"I think that coffee went right through me," she laughed and in my periphery I saw her lean into him, her hand brushing his. I swallowed a growl, the tug of jealousy I felt over that totally fucking irrational. She’s working him over. And even if she wasn’t, she’s not yours, idiot.

"Alright, come on," he murmured and the door snapped shut a second later.

I counted to ten in my head, my heart hammering like crazy as I fought down the wild smile pulling at my lips.

Game time.

I pushed to my feet, moving to the windows and glancing through the blinds to make sure the corridor was empty. It was. So I moved to the door, twisting the handle silently and gently tugging the door open a crack. I cocked my head, listening for any sound of guards approaching, but there was just the noise of the television coming from the little rec space further down the hall. I took a breath and stepped out into the corridor, hurrying down it on silent feet.

Laughter came from an office across the hallway and I froze as the door opened opposite me and a guard started backing out of it, still talking to whoever was inside.

"-swear if I have to report one more statistic to Pike, my head's gonna explode," he laughed.

"You're telling me," an answer came from inside the room.

I moved across the corridor at speed, flattening myself to the wall beside the room he was leaving, taking a gamble on which way he was going to turn when he came out. I was to his right, so I needed him to go left.

My throat was tight, my lungs full of a breath I refused to release.

Come on, asshole, go left.

He twisted around, closing the door and went left. Relief tumbled through me as he headed down the corridor and swerved past the wall to where the couches were.

I hurried back to the other side of the corridor, creeping along the wall, my gaze pinned on the dispenser that was just ten feet away.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five-

Rosa stepped out of a room further down the corridor and Hastings appeared from around the corner a heartbeat later, walking toward Rosa so his back was to me. I pressed against the wall, swallowing a curse and Rosa's eyes widened ever so slightly as she spotted me over his shoulder then shifted onto Hastings as he approached her.

"All good?" he asked, moving to turn towards me, but she grabbed his arm.

"No, actually," she gasped. "I don't feel so good."

I inched along, my heart

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