The Darkest Torment - Gena Showalter Page 0,69

already fallen.”

“Well, then.” Hades stood and stepped toward them. “To defeat such a warrior, you’re going to need a boost.” He touched their bands, the heat cranking up a thousand degrees.

Baden roared as his knees buckled. Destruction roared, as well, but it wasn’t only a new flood of pain he felt. Power exploded inside him. So much power.

“The one to defeat the assassin,” Hades said with a smile, “will receive five bonus points. Go.”

Baden wasted no time; he flashed home. Pandora appeared beside him, equally determined to win those points.

Truce over. “Mine.” He picked her up and launched her across the rubble.

Drunk on the power, Destruction quickly worked himself into a maddened frenzy. Killkillkill. Never stop. Raze the world!

Baden’s hands fisted of their own accord. He would hurt anyone foolish enough to get in his way.

Yes, yes. He focused on the assassin, who had been grounded a few yards away, his wings bent at an odd angle. Smoke thickened the air, the black tendrils beautifully macabre as they curled toward the clouds like ribbons, but Baden had no trouble identifying the warriors currently engaged in battle with his target. Paris, Sabin, Maddox and Torin. They swung swords, fired guns, and threw punches and daggers, inflicting damage but not death.


Baden could suddenly taste the desire to end life. His blood was hot and only growing hotter, even as the bands cooled.

“Mine,” he said and took a step, just a step, but the next thing he knew, he was standing in front of his target. Maddox’s punch landed on the back of his head, but he barely felt the blow that would have killed a weaker man.

The assassin grinned, revealing his lack of a tongue. Not to mention tusks as yellow as his claws. He slammed a fireball into Baden’s face—and Baden loved it. The flames only empowered him, bonding with whatever juice Hades had given him, his body acting as a conduit. And a syphon.

The assassin’s grin waned, and he stumbled backward.

Baden tracked him, punching a fist through his breastbone and ripping out his heart. That. Easily.

Pandora appeared behind the creature. She swung her sword, hacking off his head. The head flew like a football. The body flopped to the ground like a wet noodle, blood spurting out, quickly creating a pool.

One down, many more to go. His enemies were weakened from the battle. Strike now!

Shhh. You don’t need to kill anyone. I’ll keep you safe.

Katarina’s voice drifted through his head, soothing Destruction, and Baden frowned. She wasn’t here, and she’d never said those words to him. She also wasn’t strong enough to guard him.

“You okay, man?” Sabin asked, patting his shoulder.

Calm. Steady. Baden dropped the rotted organ, saying, “How’s Gwen? The others?”

Agony darkened the warrior’s eyes. “Lucien flashed her to a safe house, and as soon as Cameo woke Keeley, she used the last of her strength to relocate the others. Everyone but Galen is accounted for. If he’s here, he’s buried in the rubble.”

“He’s not here. He’s been gone for hours.” Torin scrubbed a hand down his face, leaving streaks of crimson behind. “Our piece of shit attacker knew to take Keeley out first so that she would be unable to aid us. He purposely bombed our bedroom before hitting the rest of the fortress.”

“Everyone is...”

Sabin gave a stiff nod. “Alive, yes. Stable? No.”

Baden locked on Pandora, who watched his friends with murder in her eyes. “You,” he spat. “Had you not attacked my dogs, we wouldn’t have been distracted.”

They were in each other’s faces a moment later.

“You want a go at me?” she snarled. “Huh?”

“You mean another go. How’s your vision. Twenty-shitty?”

She screeched and drew back her fist. Maddox got between them and pushed them apart. “Leave,” he told her. “Now. Or Baden won’t be the only one beating on you.”

She opened her mouth to protest.

Maddox said, “I’m giving you this chance because we did you wrong when we stole the box—because I did you wrong after my possession—but I won’t give you another one.”

“You’re not going to win this fight,” Sabin told her. “We’re too keyed up, and you’re too injured.”

They didn’t know about the extra juice Hades had given her. She might be able to take them. But weaving doubt was Sabin’s business and business was good. She paled and vanished.

Baden scanned the devastation around him—there would be no salvaging the place. Guilt rose. “I’m responsible for this. I never should have returned, never should have moved in.”

“Don’t talk crazy.” Torin kicked a piece of wood Copyright 2016 - 2024