The Darkest Torment - Gena Showalter Page 0,67

and elongated bones. An animalistic roar split his lips as his vision tunneled, a red haze spotlighting Pandora.

She’d threatened him. Threatened his woman and his dogs. She would pay in blood. The rules be damned.

The tips of his fingers burned, his claws sharpening. As he stomped toward her, she yanked out the dagger. A black river poured down her face. She stood to unsteady legs. He’d seen her in worse condition. Now he would see her dead.

Fangs extended past her bottom lip. She raced toward him, and they met in the middle, a tangle of fury. As they sliced and bit at each other like wild animals, they tumbled into the kennel with so much force the walls rattled and fell.

With a roar, he grabbed her by the hair and tossed her into a nearby BBQ. She rent the metal grill in two, clouds of charcoal forming around her. She hurled a larger shard at him. He plucked the piece from his chest as she raced over—shoved him into an outer wall of the fortress. Stone cracked, and dust plumed.

“I’ve got you.” Katarina’s gentle voice cut through his red haze, and though she spoke to the pups, he took comfort in it. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

A stray thought: I like her maternal instincts.

He had to remember to tell her, wanted so badly to pick up where they’d left off.

Pandora focused on her, the bloody dagger still clutched in her hand. Baden could almost hear the being in her mind: Kill the girl, she’s a threat.

Panting now, Baden stopped in his tracks. Katarina was crouched in front of the dogs and crab-walking backwards, keeping the pair behind her, her body acting as their shield. A courageous act.

Foolish girl! She could be hurt.

He flashed in front of her and swung a meaty fist into Pandora’s jaw.

Two other warriors arrived on the scene.

“What do you want us to do?” Maddox called. “Your wish, my command.”

In unison, Baden and Pandora focused on him.

Demon. Threat.

Friend. He’s my friend.

The worst kind of danger!

Body moving of its own accord, Baden approached Maddox, Pandora keeping pace at his side.

The warrior frowned at him. “What are you doing?”

“Kill,” Pandora said.

“Good idea. Don’t mind if I do.” Anya, the second intruder, jumped up, kicking Baden with enough force to rattle his brain against his skull.

Goddess, anarchy, threat. Friend!

How better to lure us into a trap...

Next she plowed into Pandora. The two hit the ground, Pandora attempting to stab her as they rolled.

“Help the others, Baden.” Katarina, still using that gentle tone. “Yes? Don’t hurt them. They need you.”

His attention switched to her; the dogs stepped to her side and growled at him. To warn him away? No one keeps me away from her! He snapped his teeth at the animals.

“Maddox, a little help, please.” Anya swung at Pandora, only to be blocked.

Pandora laughed as she crushed Anya’s knuckles in her grip.

Maddox launched his body in front of the goddess, taking a punch meant for her. His jaw snapped out of alignment.

Kill! Destruction focused on Maddox.

No. Baden dove, managing to twist midair, aiming for Pandora instead. They rolled down a hill. Before they came to a stop, she sank a dagger into his side. Jab, jab. His kidney received the bulk of abuse, and if he’d been human, he would have bled out then and there. Scowling, he wrapped a hand around her neck and the other around her wrist, holding her in place while cutting off her air supply.

Does she even need to breathe?

The need had slowly come back to him. Perhaps the same was true of her. He increased the ferocity of his hold.

She struggled against him, clawing at his arms, shredding his skin.


The ground vibrated, a blast of heat blustering over him. He would have fallen if he hadn’t already been on his knees.

“Bomb!” Anya shouted.

Pandora’s doing?

Maddox bellowed the names of his family members as he took off in a mad sprint, Anya right on his heels.

“How many did you set?” Baden demanded of Pandora.


“Baden!” Katarina cried. “Help me!” He heard pain. Had she been hurt? “Please.”

He broke Pandora’s neck before leaping to his feet and climbing the hill. She wasn’t dead, wasn’t even forced into unconsciousness. Her narrowed gaze followed him while her body could not. He found Katarina on the ground, a long wooden beam pinning her leg and Biscuit’s hips. She and Gravy worked furiously to lift the beam, but neither was strong enough.


Another blast of heat threw Baden across the yard. Copyright 2016 - 2024