The Darkest Torment - Gena Showalter Page 0,41

lost his temper more than twelve times.”

“A miracle, yes, but he’s only going to decline. Clearly he’s not laying pipe. If you know what I mean. Not playing hide the sausage. Not giving his new roommate a ride on the carnal—”

“Yeah, yeah. We both wish his girl’s favorite color of lipstick was penis,” Anya said with a shrug. “But it’s not, so we deal. The guys need him, and if they need him, he’ll fight to hell and back to ensure he’s here to help. You’re a man-boy so you’re as dumb as a box of rocks, which means you haven’t noticed he regrets leaving in the first place. And now, with the war between your daddy and Lucifer racing to level two...”

William sighed. “After Lucy’s defeat, I’m going to spank Hades for giving Baden those bands. Daddy Dearest should only be willing to die for me. I shouldn’t have competition for his affections.”

“Now you’re talking nonsense. Hades cares for no one but himself. Not even you.” Anya patted the top of his head. “You need rest. Why don’t you lie down and watch a movie with the lights off. And your eyes closed. And the TV off.”

Katarina padded off...and though she would never admit it, she searched for Baden this time. Where was he? What was he doing?

She had no luck finding him. In fact, he didn’t reappear until bedtime, and he was splattered with blood. After he showered, he made a pallet on the floor. All without speaking a word.

The next day, she overheard a conversation between Maddox, the warrior possessed by Violence, and Sabin, the warrior possessed by Doubt.

“How many points has he earned?” Sabin asked.

“As of this morning, eight. But Pandora has nine. Damn it!” Maddox punched a wall, which explained the many holes Katarina had found. “Hades has turned the Gentleman of Mount Olympus into a guilt-ridden assassin.”

“And that’s not even the worst of it. Baden says many of his points mark the death of a human possessed by—he still doesn’t know what. Hades called the creatures a gift. Monsters other monsters fear.”

“I’ll ask around. Maybe someone knows something.”

“Good. Torin’s been searching for immortals who might have worn serpentine wreaths before Baden, but so far he’s had no luck.”

Katarina walked away. As she turned the corner, she heard another warrior mutter, “Are you sure Katarina is legit?”

“I’m not.” The reply came from Lucien, keeper of Death. “But Baden is sure. Says he’ll kill anyone who harms her.”

How...almost sweet.

That night, she noticed Baden moved his pallet closer to the bed, and she couldn’t bring herself to protest. Because she didn’t care what he did. She didn’t!

The next day, she ended up in a room where the girlfriends, wives and consorts trained with swords, guns and crossbows.

“Well, Gillian’s birthday party is officially canceled. She’s supersick,” Ashlyn said. “William’s on a rampage, mumbling about his book and how this must be the curse in action, and how he has to do something.”

Book? Curse?

“And that’s the good news,” Kaia the Wing Shredder announced. The beautiful redhead was a Harpy. A bloodthirsty race of thieves and pranksters. She appeared human, except for the tiny wings that fluttered between her shoulder blades. “I’ve spoken to Bianka. Lysander and Zacharel are looking for the box, too. How are we supposed to battle Sent Ones and the evil minions who don’t exactly like our jam?”

Bianka...Kaia’s twin, Katarina thought she remembered hearing. Lysander...Bianka’s husband. Zacharel...she wasn’t sure. Sent Ones...a term she couldn’t identify.

“We have to intensify our search,” Anya said. She was the goddess of Anarchy and, according to everyone in the fortress, an unholy terror. “Those goody-goodies might help our men, they might not. The problem is Lucifer. If he gets hold of the Morning Star...” She shuddered.

Morning Star. Another term Katarina couldn’t identify.

“Actually, the problem is our men,” Gwen interjected. She was Kaia’s younger sister and often teased about being the “nice” one. “They worry about Baden. When he’s here, they hover around him, as if they’re afraid something bad will happen to him.”

The girls brainstormed ways to fix the situation—until they noticed Katarina.

“You need to snap out of this funk, like, el pronto,” Anya said. “You think you’re the only one with crises? Chica, you should try living a few thousand years and see how many losses you suffer. You’re being a baby and I’m sick of it. You’re stealing my thunder!”

“I’m totally willing to gut the piece of scum who killed your dogs,” Gwen said. “Blink twice if you want Copyright 2016 - 2024