The Darkest Torment - Gena Showalter Page 0,155

hand. “Our side will win. Then we’ll help you punish Hades for his battle with Katarina.”

Baden’s chest constricted. “You’re a better friend than I deserve.”

“I learned from the best,” Maddox said, and for a moment, Baden was transported back to their days in the heavens. When a Titan army ambushed the royal soldiers tasked with guarding Zeus.

Maddox had been hit right away, a myriad of spears and arrows cutting through his chest and exiting out his back. More spears and arrows fell, ready to take out the rest of them. Baden could have run for cover, but he’d run to Maddox instead, carrying him to safety.

“We have the artifacts back in our possession,” Maddox said. “We’ll keep searching for Cameo, Viola, the box and the Morning Star.”

Only then could his friends be freed from their demons. The ultimate goal.

Galen stalked into the room, gaze secured on Baden. “Think you can renege on our deal, prick?” His wings were larger than before, arching over his shoulders, snow-white down covering every inch. “I want my date.”

“You promised to date him?” Maddox punched Baden in the arm. “Good luck with that. Katarina will protest.”

“Katarina will demand they kiss in front of her—with tongue,” the girl in question called.

Baden pushed to his feet. He wasn’t surprised Galen had shown up. He was only surprised Galen hadn’t shown up with Fox at his side. The girl hadn’t stopped texting Baden questions about Distrust.

How do I know what’s instinct and what’s demonic paranoia?

Are you plotting against me? Be truthful.

Does the demon make me look fat in these jeans?

This morning, after a little prompting from Katarina—you needed help with Destruction, would have probably perished without me, and now she needs help with Distrust. Do your part—he’d finally given in and agreed to be Fox’s mentor.

“Take a walk with me,” he said to Galen.

As they strode out of the living room, Baden looked back at Katarina and blew her a kiss.

“Stop disgusting me.” Galen yanked him out the door. “And start talking.”

Cool air brushed his bandless arms. “Aeron refuses to tell me Legion’s current location.”


“So,” Baden added. “My wife happens to lead the hellhounds.”

“I know, I know. She’s wonderful, and you’re the luckiest immortal in the history of the universe. What does that have to do with my plight?”

“Those hounds tracked Legion.”

Stopping abruptly, Galen gripped him by the shoulders and shook him. “Tell me.”

“First, I need your vow. You cannot hurt her—”

“Don’t insult me again. I would never hurt her. She is to me what Katarina is to you.”

In this, Baden believed him. The man was utterly besotted.

Baden rattled off the address. Galen jumped into the air a second later—and never landed. His wings took him into the clouds.

Biscuit and Gravy came barreling around a corner, running straight for Baden. They plowed into him, and if he’d been a weaker man, he would have fallen. A laughing Katarina raced after them.

“They didn’t want to leave you unprotected,” she said as he caught her in his arms.

“They like me now?”

“Not even a little. But they love me.”

“As do I.” As the pups chased their tails and sprinted circles around him, Destruction rubbed against his skull, desperate to get his hands on her. “As does the beast.”

She traced her fingertips over his temples. “Does he need me?”

“We both do.” Baden bent and pushed his shoulder into Katarina’s middle, hoisting her up on his shoulder. “And we’re going to have you. Perhaps make you scream.”

She laughed all the way to their bedroom, earning winks and good-natured jabs from his friends, but by the time he threw her atop the mattress, she was panting.

“I usually keep my training sessions short and sweet,” she said, “but with my sweet Baduction...I think I’ll devote several hours.”

“Oh, no, krásavica. You’re going to devote eternity. Nothing else is acceptable.”

* * * * *

Lords of the Underworld

Insider’s Guide

Dear Reader,

I HOPE YOU’RE ready for a peek behind the Lords of the Underworld curtain. When Katarina asked Baden for a Who’s Who to Whom in the Underworld, well, the big, bad warrior demanded I take care of the task. That’s right. Me. As if I exist simply to do his bidding. I don’t. Really! When I threatened to leave him—to pull a “Katarina”—he laughed. And then he took off his shirt. I said, “When would you like the guide completed?” His response of “Yesterday” notwithstanding, I became a woman on a mission, determined to bring him—and you—the latest dish on the dark, sensual immortal warriors and their collection of Copyright 2016 - 2024