Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,90

hadn’t believed he’d do something that could’ve easily turned violent. Or maybe it was just that he’d made other people a part of it.

“Come with me,” Nyx said suddenly.

She took my hand and led me to the couch. As I sat, she bent down and took off my shoes and socks, setting them aside. My eyes followed her as she stood and walked across the room. She disappeared into the bedroom for a minute and then came back out with the only tie I owned.

“You need to get out of your head.” She moved around to the back of the couch. “No thinking. Just feeling.”

I closed my eyes as she tied the make-shift blindfold, acknowledging that she was in charge. Being dominated wasn’t what made my stomach flip. It was the realization that she wasn’t taking the Dominant role because she felt the need to be in control right now. She was doing it because she wanted to take care of me. I suspected it was probably the first time she’d taken on the Dominant role for that reason, and the importance of this moment wasn’t lost on me.

I just hoped I deserved it.

Her fingers moved down the front of my shirt, and the cotton moved against my skin. I realized she was taking off my shirt a couple seconds before she pushed it off my arms.

“Tell me what you want.” Her voice was as soft as her touch. “Tell me what you need.”

“Are you topping from the bottom now?” I quipped.

Her finger touched my lips, then traced the bottom one. “Tell. Me. What. You. Want.”

I flicked my tongue out, and the tip touched against the pad of her finger. “Touch me. Taste me.”

She moved back, but I could still feel her eyes on me. I’d never been blindfolded during sex before, so I didn’t know if my awareness of her was simply due to the lack of one of my senses, but I didn’t think that was it. There was just something about her that drew me like a magnet. Like I could find her anywhere.

The moment her hands met my chest, a shiver ran through me. Her legs nudged my knees, and I parted them. She shifted, and I registered a change of position. She was kneeling now, I thought. Her hands went to my knees, then slid up my thighs.

Hot air ghosted across my belly. “Is this what you want, Bradyn?” Soft lips pressed against my skin, and I broke out in goosebumps. Then her tongue traced a circle around my belly button, and I gasped. “Is this the touching and the tasting you want?”

“Yes.” The word was shaky, but I was too focused on sensation to care what I sounded like. “More. Please.”

Her hands ran up my sides, fingers leisurely exploring every muscle, running along my ribs. Kisses went from my belly button up to my pecs. Silky hair slid over my skin, the light touch making me squirm. Then her teeth fastened onto my nipple, and I yelped in surprise. She chuckled just before her tongue soothed the sting.

“Do you want my teeth on you?” she asked. “Do you want me to mark you?”

“Fuck, yes.”

She answered with a bite to the muscle next to my nipple. I started to reach for her, but she grabbed my wrists and pushed them back down.

“Speak, don’t touch.”

I growled and got another bite for my troubles. One of her hands moved to my crotch, cupping me through my pants, and I moaned. Her mouth moved over my chest, licking and biting as her hand squeezed and massaged my thickening cock.

“Firebird,” I groaned. I made my hands into fists to keep from grabbing her.

“Tell me what you need.”

“More. I need more.”

Her lips pressed against mine. “More what? Tell me.”

“Just more,” I demanded.

She laughed, her mouth moving to my ear. “My mouth? Is that what you want? All that wet heat around you, sucking your cock, taking it as deep as I can. Licking you like you’re a damn popsicle.”

“Fuck, Nyx.” My heart felt like it was going to pound through my chest.

“Or is it my pussy you want?” She nipped at my earlobe. “You feel so fucking good inside me. Stretching me, filling me.” She shuddered. “I can almost come just from remembering what it’s like to fuck you.”

She let go of my cock, and my hips rocked up instinctively.

“Do you want me to unzip you? Lower myself onto that huge dick of yours and ride you until we both

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