Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,8

our cabins, tearing each other’s clothes off. No matter how much my body wanted that to happen, my head insisted that it’d be the worst idea in the history of worst ideas.

“Which is it, little firebird? I think we both know which one is more fun.” He bent his head down so that his mouth was next to my ear, his voice rumbling through my body and setting me on fire. “I could bend you right over that porch railing and have you screamin’ my name in no time. Or you could ride me into oblivion, squeeze my prick in that tight cunt of yours until we’re both cross-eyed and can’t walk straight.”

I let out a shaky breath. Fuck.

He straightened. “I think I can trust you to get into bed without any help. Good night, ma’am.”

I stared at him, jaw hanging open, not really believing he would leave me here like this…until he disappeared into his cabin and shut the door behind him.

Motherfucking bastard.



Congratulations, Bradyn, I thought as I entered my cabin and closed the door behind me. You’ve managed to completely let your dick take over.

That wasn’t entirely true. If my cock’d had its way, it would’ve been buried deep inside Nyx already. That would’ve been bad for numerous reasons, not the least of which was because she was drunk.

After her friend’s wedding, she’d been a little tipsy, but I hadn’t doubted her ability to consent. Tonight though…I wasn’t so sure. She’d been damn lucky Isaac had been there to bring her back. If she’d met a guy like that prick at the hotel bar the first night she arrived here, I wasn’t sure things would’ve turned out the way they had.

I might not trust her anymore, but I wouldn’t wish harm on her, especially not that. A man would have to be a special kind of bastard to think that way.

I walked over to the window and looked outside, careful not to move the curtains. I wanted to make sure she went into her cabin rather than wandering around in the dark, but I didn’t want her to know I was checking up on her. She’d be even more furious at me, and that would be one more thing to deal with in the morning.

Fortunately, she was already on the porch. Even though I wasn’t at an angle where I could see her actually go into her cabin, the fact that she didn’t come back down off the porch made me think she was safely inside. At least with no other guests here right now, I didn’t have to worry if she’d locked her door.

It was a good thing we hadn’t ended up in a relationship. I would’ve wanted to throttle her for putting herself in danger the way she had. I knew she was a grown woman and all that, but it didn’t stop me from worrying about something happening to her.

I wasn’t one of those men who thought women ‘asked for it’ or that type of bullshit, but the world sucked. That meant that people needed to take precautions that wouldn’t have been necessary if everyone just treated others decently.

My mom had always called those opinions my ‘wide-eyed dreamer way of thinking.’ My father hadn’t been nearly that polite. Naïve had probably been the nicest thing he’d called me.

None of my family had ever understood how I could look for the positive in things but still understand how the real world worked. I wasn’t some Pollyanna who thought life was rainbows and lemon drops, but I did think it was possible for people to be good to each other if they just tried. I believed in could, but not necessarily would.

I sighed and stepped away from the window. The last few years had been tough on that way of thinking, and I’d felt myself getting more and more jaded. All of this stuff with Nyx wasn’t helping matters. I’d admired her for how she refused to let her past define her, and then I’d learned that everything she’d said might have been a lie.

And I hated myself for thinking it.

“Should’ve just stayed in bed.” Adding a few choice curses, I went into the bathroom to wipe off my feet before crawling between my sheets.

I usually didn’t have problems falling asleep, even on days where I hadn’t been doing a lot of physical work. I was just one of those people who could close my eyes, decide I wanted to sleep, and a few minutes later, I

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