Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,79

or even anything about the BDSM world outside of books or movies.”

I watched a mostly naked man being led around by a leash. “That must’ve been a shock.”

“That’s one word for it.” Her face lit up as she spotted someone she knew, and our direction changed to the far end of the bar.

I followed our path with my eyes and realized she was heading for a tall, dark-haired man who looked close to my size. For a moment, I was jealous, thinking she was taking me to meet one of her previous lovers. Before I could tell myself that she wouldn’t do that, I realized that this mystery man had a smaller, blonde woman at his side, and one look at the two of them was enough to know that they were together.

We were only a couple of feet from them when I caught the glimmer of light glinting off a pair of wedding rings. Suddenly, I realized who they might be.

“Nyx! It’s good to see you.” The blonde beamed at Nyx and then looked at me. Chocolate brown eyes narrowed, shrewd and intelligent as they ran down to my feet and back up again.

Damn. I wondered how many people had underestimated that pretty face and later regretted it.

“Carrie, Gavin, this is Bradyn Traylor,” Nyx said. “Bradyn, meet Gavin and Carrie Manning, the owners of Club Privé.”

“How do you do.” I shook Carrie’s hand first and then Gavin’s.

“Well, there’s something to be said for Southern manners,” Carrie said with a grin. “And they sure know how to make them down there too.”

My eyes darted to Gavin, sure I was about to meet the business end of his fist, but he looked amused rather than pissed. His smile widened when he saw me looking at him. His eyes were a dark blue, not brown like I’d originally thought.

“She’s been working at earning a punishment all day.”

Carrie blushed, but I had a suspicion that it was from arousal, not embarrassment.

“This isn’t your first time in a place like this,” Gavin observed.

“It’s not,” I said. “Though it is my first time at any of the Club Privé locations.”

“Locations,” he repeated. “You’d heard of us before this.”

I nodded. “There’s a club in Savannah called Hades, and they’re decent, but nothin’ like this. Everyone there who does more than dabble in the life knows about this place.”

He wore a pleased expression. “We’ve been thinking about branching out again, maybe working with an already-existing club. Would we be welcome in Georgia, do you think?”

“Gavin, we’re not working tonight.” Carrie’s tone changed just enough for me to know that she’d stepped out of the submissive role to address something that was a husband-and-wife thing.

“You’re right.” He leaned over and gave her a brief kiss. “I’m sorry.”

“Actually, Carrie, I had a sort-of work question,” Nyx said. “It’s a legal question, and it has to do with the case I’m working on.”

“All right,” she said. “If you’re planning to use a room, Gavin can take Bradyn to one while you and I talk.”

Nyx looked at me, and I nodded.

“Let’s move somewhere a little less crowded,” Carrie suggested.

As Carrie and Nyx stepped away from us, Gavin turned his attention to me. “Did Nyx say she had any preference about which room you’re using?”

“No. We didn’t actually talk much about what we were going to do here.”

“Let me see what’s open.” Gavin took out his phone and flipped through a couple screens. “I created an app that lets members reserve rooms and also see which rooms are in use. It’s upped member satisfaction by eighty-three percent in just a single quarter.”

I’d honestly wondered if Carrie had been the brains of the operation, and Gavin had been just the connection to this world and the muscle. I’d been wrong. I didn’t doubt that Carrie was also highly intelligent. I just hadn’t realized exactly how strong a power couple the two of them were.

“Follow me.” Gavin started toward the far wall of the club, and the people seemed to automatically move out of the way as he walked, Dominants and submissives alike.


A series of doors ran along the wall, hidden well enough that I wouldn’t have seen them if I wasn’t right in front of them. The keypad next to the doors was also discreet. Gavin punched in a number, and a light flashed green. He opened the door and went inside. I followed, impressed by how much the sound was muffled even with the door open.

“This is the room Nyx uses the

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