Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,44

and I ground myself against her so she could feel how my body reacted to her.

“This is crazy,” she said, her voice breathless. “You know that, right?’

“I don’t care.” I scraped my teeth over her jaw, and the next breath she took was shaky. “Unless you tell me to stop, I’m going to make you come with my fingers.” I pressed a kiss over the fluttering pulse in her throat. “And then I’m going to take you right here, against this wall.”

She shuddered, her nails digging in where her fingers had crept under the waistband of my pants. I was probably going to have bloody nail marks on my ass by the time we were done, but I didn’t care.

“I’m not in the mood to be gentle,” I warned her as I bit the spot I’d just kissed. “So, tell me now if that’s not what you want.”

I sucked in a breath as she nipped the top of my ear.

“I want it.” Her nails dug deeper. “I want you to fuck me so hard that I can’t see straight.”

I smiled, and Nyx must’ve liked whatever she saw on my face because she leaned forward and ran her teeth over my nipple. I cursed, my eyes closing for a moment as she latched on, sucking hard before tugging on it with her teeth. Bursts of bright, pain-pleasure raced in a line down to my groin. My cock had been hard before, but now it pushed against the front of my pants, an aching throb pulsing in time with the pulls of her mouth.

“Dammit, Nyx,” I groaned, then swore as she grabbed my cock through my pants. I opened my eyes and stared down at her. “You’re gonna make me come in my pants.”

“That would be a shame.” She grinned at me, humor dancing in those gorgeous eyes of hers. “This is too nice a cock not to get used as much as possible.”

I grabbed her arms and spun us around so that her back was against the wall. I gave her a bruising kiss, then parted her lips with my tongue, delving into her mouth, exploring every inch of her even as I pushed my hand past the waistband of her pants. My fingers moved over the damp cotton between her legs, pressing against her cleft.

She whimpered, and I pressed harder, rubbing her through her panties. Her hips moved, trying to control the pressure and friction, but I held her where she was, using what I’d learned of her body to push her to climax.

Her body tensed, and she gasped, grabbing my arm with a grip hard enough to hurt, but she didn’t ask me to stop. In fact, the only thing she said was my name, crying it out as she came.

Fuck, I loved hearing her say my name like that.

“There we go, little firebird.” I pulled my hand out of her pants and slid it under her shirt. Her eyelids fluttered as I pinched her nipple. “That’s one. You stay right here while I get a condom, and then it’ll be my mouth’s turn to get you off.”

She gave me a sleepy sort of smile and let her head rest on the wall. Her eyes, however, followed me. I could feel the heat of them on my skin as I hurried to my room. I grabbed a condom from the drawer and was back in the living room before she had a chance to recover enough to move. I’d told her to stay put, but I hadn’t been sure she’d actually do it. Besides the fact that she wasn’t the most submissive woman in the world, I hadn’t known if her legs could hold her.

I went to my knees in front of her and reached for her waist. I watched her face as I undid the button and slowly pulled down her zipper. She ran her fingers through my hair, the expression on her face different than anything I’d seen before. Softer. Not gentle, but like some of the guards she’d had in place weren’t there anymore.

I pulled down her underwear with her pants, then helped her step out of them, baring her long, shapely legs, the curve of her hips, and that oh-so-tempting juncture between her legs, with those dark auburn curls. I didn’t waste time on admiration, though. I wanted to taste her, and I wanted to make her come again.

She gasped when my mouth pressed against her, then cried out when I ran my tongue along

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