Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,42

I’ll ask her. Now I just have to decide if I want to be Rocket or Gamora. Ty is going to be Groot.

I settled on the couch as I sent my response. I guess it depends on if you want to paint yourself green or wear fur.

Back and forth the conversation went. Rose told me all the pros and cons of both characters. A phone call probably would’ve been faster, but I was more like Rose in the fact that I generally preferred texts to talking. I liked having time to think things through, to re-read what I’d written. Sure, there was always the problem of not having inflection and all that, but when I was texting someone like Kaimi or Rose, they knew me well enough to know when I was being sarcastic or whatever.

By the time Rose and I finished, it was evening, heading into night. I’d finished my dinner and was considering showering and turning in early, maybe with a book or binge some Fear Thy Neighbor, but Rose’s last text changed all that.

How’s Bradyn?

Rose’s question caught me off-guard, but I should’ve expected it. She’d asked about him when we’d talked to each other earlier this week. I was still trying to figure out how to answer her when another text came through.

I really like him. Is he coming home with you, or are you waiting to see where things go? I don’t want you to move to Savannah, but I want you to be happy more. If you do move, I’ll miss you, but I can come visit, right?


She’d be picking out her bridesmaid dress if I didn’t say something.

You’re getting way ahead of things. He’s not my boyfriend so I don’t think we need to be worrying about where we’ll be living. I’ll be back home as soon as I finish what I’m doing here. We’ll see what happens then.

I couldn’t believe I was explaining my love life to a thirteen-year-old. Better than trying to explain my sex life, I guessed.

I’m young, but I’m not an idiot. I saw the two of you dancing at the wedding. He looks at you the way Sitara looks at Mom. And you pretend to be all hard and stuff, but I know you like him too.


She was right.


Liking each other isn’t always enough.

Her reply was quick, and I could almost see her rolling her eyes.

Duh. I know that. You have to work at it.

Fuck again.

I shook my head. I wished I could say that this was the first time Rose had put me in my place, but I couldn’t. She had a way of seeing and saying things that no one else could or would. She was the best person I knew, and Kaimi agreed with me. Rose was better than either of us had ever been or ever would be.

And I couldn’t disappoint her.

I’ll talk to him.

I didn’t have to explain to her what was going on. Those words would be enough for her to know that I’d heard her and that I wouldn’t give up.

Good. I’ll send you pictures of the costumes when we decide.

I didn’t let myself look at the time or try to keep a conversation with Rose going. It would’ve just been me trying to put it off because I was still terrified of what would happen if I followed through.

But I’d be damned if I let Rose down.

With that in my mind, I got up, put on my shoes, and headed for Bradyn’s cabin. My stomach was tied in knots, but Rose was the best motivation I could have. I wanted to try this with Bradyn, but fear might’ve kept me away, anyway. Not now, though.

I just hoped I wasn’t too late.

I knocked on the door and put my hands in my pockets to hide that they were shaking. My chest was tight, my face flushed. I almost felt like I might pass out.

Then the door opened, and Bradyn was standing right in front of me.



I was in the middle of a Say Yes to the Dress binge when someone knocked on my door. I briefly considered putting on a shirt but decided if someone had decided to come by without calling or texting first, they’d get what they got. Besides, it wasn’t like there was anyone at the ranch who hadn’t seen me without my shirt at one point or another.

Nyx was the last person I expected to see on my porch, but there she was. Faded jeans and a fitted

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