Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,4

the mood to throw back a few shots and go back to the ranch, and this drink would let me take my time.

The bartender nodded, and less than a minute later, the drink was in front of me. I sipped at it, the burn faint as it traveled down my throat and into my stomach. It was good, but I couldn’t enjoy it the way I would have if I’d been here under other circumstances.

Circumstances like not finding a naked woman in Bradyn’s cabin. Or circumstances where I’d known better than to get involved with someone while working.

Okay, so I hadn’t known that he was connected to my case until after we’d already slept together a couple times, but I had known before the last time. I should have never let it happen. Just because I hadn’t wanted to make a big deal about him being my date for Kaimi’s wedding didn’t mean I’d needed to go back to his hotel room and have sex with him again.

I had no excuse for my behavior. Just because I’d wanted him wasn’t good enough. My actions had consequences, and this was one of them. I’d been stupid enough to trust him, and I was paying for it now.

One thought followed another, and I didn’t try to stop them. I’d drown them tonight and have a massive headache tomorrow, but at least he’d be out of my system, and I could focus on work.

At some point after my second or third drink, I’d started people watching, but I didn’t realize that I was even doing it until a guy sat down at the table closest to me, and the redhead who already occupied the space asked him to leave.

“Let me buy you a drink.” He leaned closer to her, his smile not reaching his eyes. “Just one drink, and if you still want me to go, I will.”

He sounded polite enough about it, but something about him made me think he wasn’t going to be put off that easily.

“No thank you.” The redhead’s voice was firm, and I wondered if she saw the same thing in him that I did. “I’m waiting for a friend.”

“Have a drink with me while you’re waiting. When your friend gets here, she can join us.”

“I’d rather not.”

He reached across the table and put his hand over hers. When she jerked her hand back, he didn’t grab her, but even from where I was sitting, I could see the anger on his face.

“Don’t be like that.”

I was fairly certain that don’t be like that was second only to you’d be prettier if you smiled when it came to phrases that pissed me off, but it was a close second.

“I’d like you to leave.” The edge to her voice shook, and the fear under her words was clear.

“Only if you come with me.”


I hopped off my chair and made it to their table in just a couple steps. My head felt a bit wobbly, but I wasn’t slurring or stumbling, so I was sober enough to deal with this asshole.

“You’re in my seat.”

I felt the woman’s surprise more than saw it, but I didn’t look away from the guy.

“I don’t see your name on it.”

“For real?” I laughed. Shit. I was a little drunker than I’d thought. “What are you, twelve?”

His face turned red, like that deep tomato red that made you think of strokes and heart attacks. “You laughin’ at me, bitch?”

“Aren’t you smart?” I felt people watching me now, but I kept my focus on him.

He seemed like the sort of coward who’d wait until I looked away and then punch me or something like that. His hands were in fists when he stood, but I didn’t back down. It could’ve been the alcohol, but it also could’ve been the fact that I was tired of seeing assholes like this act like women owed him something.

“This ain’t your business,” he said. “You best go back to your seat before I do somethin’ you’ll regret.”

I stepped toward him, putting us almost nose to nose. Literally. He and I were basically the same height. Probably why he was such a douche. Trying to make up for what he lacked in height. Probably other areas too.

For one tense moment, I thought he was going to hit me even though most of the bar was watching us now, but then someone appeared to my left. I could only make out a vague shape with my peripheral vision, but as soon as

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