Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,19

family in an attempt to hurt us. Just like how you made a film on my political rival when I wouldn’t let you create a propaganda film for my campaign.”


“Watch your mouth in this house, young man.” Mom pointed a finger at me. “Just because you don’t like somethin’ is no reason for foul language.”

“Your mother and I would be forced to sit down with the biggest news outlets, needin’ to set things straight. Instead of being the villains in your story, we’ll be the victims.” Dad looked pleased with himself. “Hiring a PI to come after you would give credence to your story that we were tryin’ to discredit you. So, whoever this Nyx is, look elsewhere for who holds her leash because it isn’t anyone in the family.”


That made sense.




Brew and Shadae had loaned me their living room for the video conference, which I appreciated. They were going to be part of the call, but they could’ve insisted we bring in their own lawyer, do the call from his or her office.

I’d actually advised them to have legal counsel there, but they’d said that they wanted to hear what Min and the Douglasses had to say before they made any legal decisions. Since it wasn’t like they were in trouble, I figured it wouldn’t be an issue, but I’d still called Min to make sure. She and the Douglasses had been fine with it too.

“You need to sit down, sugar,” Shadae said from her spot on the couch. “You’re hoverin’ around like a nervous butterfly, and I’m getting’ dizzy just watchin’ you.”

“Um, yeah, okay.” I turned in a circle, looking for anything out of place. Not that Shadae’s house was ever anything but pristine.

“I mean it, sugar.” She gave me one of those stern looks I’d seen her give Isaac and Bradyn. “Sit.”

I settled on the couch on the other side of Brew. Since this was about his family, we’d agreed that he should sit in the middle. Well, Shadae and I had agreed. Brew hadn’t been happy about it since he didn’t like the idea of being the center of attention, but then Shadae had given him a cousin of the look she’d given me, and he’d shut right up.

My laptop dinged, indicating an incoming call. I answered the call, and three people appeared on the screen. It looked like Min was at the Douglass’s house with them, which I thought was a strange choice for a lawyer, but what did I know? It wasn’t like I’d gone to law school. For all I knew, the Douglasses had requested it for some reason or other.

“Good morning.” I gave them my most professional smile. “Mr. and Mrs. Douglass, it’s good to see you again. You too, Min.”

She acknowledged me with a single nod. “Nyx.”

“Everyone, this is Brewster and Shadae Huxley.” I gestured to the couple.

“I’m Min Wu, and I represent Carmine and Kathie Douglass.”

The couples exchanged greetings, and then we all turned to Min to begin the conversation.

“Nyx shared with me, and I’ve since shared with my clients everything that she’s discovered, including the conversation she had with the two of you yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Huxley.” She gestured toward the woman at her side. “Brewster, you and Kathie are distantly related, far enough back that trying to figure out exactly how far you’re removed would take someone better than me at genealogy.”

“The site our son used gave some sort of number of cousins or however that works.” Shadae waved a hand. “If you’re interested in that kind of thing.”

“Oh, uh, thank you.” Min looked startled. “I’ll look into that. That probably won’t be necessary until we’re actually filing a lawsuit.”

“What, exactly, are you thinkin’ of doin’ with that lawsuit?” Shadae asked.

I smothered a smile at the expression on Min’s face. Maybe I should have warned her about Shadae’s forceful personality, but I wasn’t sure how I could’ve done that. Shadae was a force of nature that needed to be experienced. A simple description wouldn’t have done her any justice.

Min looked at the Douglasses, who nodded.

“The ultimate goal is to get some financial compensation for what was taken from your ancestors.”

“You’re tellin’ me you’re gonna get the Traylor family to pay us ‘cuz their people – white people, mind you – took things from black folk way before we were anythin’ but property?” Shadae crossed her arms. “I didn’t go to no fancy law school, but I’d think if that was the sort of thing you lawyers could

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