Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,15

just sent here to confirm the theft. I was sent to find out which family did it, and if that family continues to have knowledge of what happened. If they are aware of what their ancestors did and have actively covered it up, it makes it an ongoing crime.”

“And you found it?” Brew asked. “Shadae and I both agreed we hadn’t wanted to go digging.” He scratched at his chin. “I guess we didn’t want to find out if people we know had owned our families.”

My expression must’ve given me away because Shadae spoke before I could make the words form in my mouth.

“You did.” The very tips of her fingers covered her parted lips. “You figured it out, and it’s someone we know.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry, but yes. Now, I don’t have to tell you, but it’s going to come out anyway. My advice would be to hear it from me now so you’re not surprised by it in the future.”

“All right.” Brew pulled Shadae even tighter to his side. “I’d rather hear it from you.”

“Their name was Calvert.” I paused, seeing something flicker in Shadae’s eyes. She knew, but I said it anyway. “In 1898, the last Calvert from this specific line, Martha, married a man named Jeremiah Traylor.”


They simply stared at me. It was almost like they expected me to suddenly start laughing and say it was all a joke Bradyn and I had set up. I didn’t know what to do, though. I couldn’t tell them what the Traylors knew or didn’t know. I couldn’t tell them that there would be legal justice for what had been taken.

And I couldn’t tell them that this was a joke.

There was, however, one thing I could tell them for certain.

“I have no idea how things came together to put me here.” My heart started pounding harder again. “I didn’t know Kathie had relatives in this area or that they would be a part of this case. I didn’t know who you were. I swear.”

“We believe you, sugar.” Shadae smiled at me. It didn’t quite reach her eyes, but I didn’t blame her.

It had been a shock for me to find out about Bradyn’s family. I couldn’t even imagine what it felt like for them. I didn’t know when they’d first met him, but I had no doubt they knew who Clancy was…and probably knew Clancy’s ‘family story.’

“Does Bradyn know?” Brew asked. “All of it? Some? Any?”

“I’m not sure,” I said honestly. “Whatever he does know didn’t come from me, though. I haven’t talked to him about my case.”

Shadae and Brew exchanged one of those glances that some couples used to have a whole conversation without saying a single word.

“Are we allowed to talk to anyone about this?” she asked.

“That’s one of those things I don’t really know.” I lifted a shoulder. “But I have a video conference with the Douglasses and their attorney tomorrow morning. I’d like to have you join us. That way, if there are any questions I can’t answer, maybe they can.”

They exchanged another glance before Shadae nodded. “All right. Now, sugar, tell us all about that weddin’ you went to, and I wouldn’t say no to some pictures.”



I should’ve stayed at the ranch and made sure Nyx didn’t take advantage of Shadae and Brew. Who knew what she’d been telling them while I was gone? This morning, she’d apologized for jumping to conclusions, but she hadn’t answered any of my questions about what she was doing at the ranch.

If she wouldn’t give me answers, then I’d go to the source.

My chest tightened as the driveway curved, and the house came into view. I had a love/hate relationship with this place.

On the one hand, it had been the center of every family gathering going back to before the Revolutionary War, but on the other hand, it was full of memories I’d rather forget. Like the one where I’d walked into my father’s office and found my girlfriend riding him in his chair. The hurt from Antoinette’s betrayal had all but disappeared, but my dad…

I sighed as I pulled up behind a blue Honda I assumed belonged to one of the employees. My parents either drove expensive sedans or electric hybrids, depending on who my dad was currying favor with that particular week. Well, technically, their drivers drove. They rode.

My older sister, Ashley, would’ve walked right in, certain of her welcome. She was four years older than me and had already been molded into the perfect Southern

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