Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,101

hold the half a dozen computers currently set up. I already knew the kind of computer I'd be working on based on the software Archer Enterprises put out, and I wasn't disappointed. He had a tower and the newest, top of the line desktops as well as laptops and massive monitors. I had no doubt that his systems would be up to date as well. He didn't hire me for bugs or software upgrades.

“What I found most interesting was that you were able to get an investor for Lang Tech Consulting at such a young age. Banks have gotten wary about loaning money for computer ventures over the past couple years.” Rylan barely glanced at the skyline view as he walked toward his desk.

“I didn't get a loan,” I said, unable to stop myself from explaining. “One of my professors saw how good I was and convinced the college to hire me for a couple jobs. Helped me get my foot in the door.”

It was a test. The look in Rylan's eyes as he glanced at me said he already knew that, but had wanted to know if I'd be honest about how I'd gotten started. From what I could tell, it looked like I'd given the right answer.

As I followed Rylan around the desk to the front of the monitors, one of the non-elevator doors opened and a man entered. He was tall and lean, but not a cut and defined kind of lean. Rather, he had the build of someone fortunate enough to have a good metabolism, but didn't spend much time exercising. His jet black hair was slicked back in a style that was older than the early thirties his features seemed to fit. His eyes were the color of dark chocolate, but they weren't exactly warm. His gaze slid over me and I had to suppress the urge to glare at him. There were some guys I could just tell were undressing me with their eyes. Admiration was one thing; leering was something else.

“Jenna, meet Christophe Constantine, my assistant.” Rylan tapped on one of the keyboards and the screens all came to life. “Would you like tea or coffee? We also have water and fruit juice available.”

“Coffee, please,” I said. “Black. And decaf if you have it.”

I was close enough to see Rylan's eyes shine with humor.

“I thought caffeine was all computer programmers and techs drank.”

Despite myself, I smiled.

“Rylan,” Christophe spoke. His voice was much lower than I would've thought, almost gravelly. “Emmaline Kent wants to speak to you about some glitches in the program she's working on.”

“I'm booked until tomorrow,” Rylan said. I watched him scan a mental calendar, his eyes narrowing as he appeared to find an empty slot. “Schedule her an appointment for one o'clock and tell her to be ready to present a series of possible solutions for the issues she's having.”

“Will do,” Christophe said. “Did you want anything to drink?”

“My usual,” Rylan answered even as he pulled out two chairs. “And make sure the pots are full before you leave for the day.”

“Got it.” Christophe turned and walked out.

“Now, Jenna, what do you say we get down to business?” Rylan sat down in one of the chairs and I took the other. “Once you get started on the preliminaries, I'll have Christophe order us some dinner.”

“Excuse me?” I pushed my chair away from him as I turned.

“I assumed since we'd be staying late, you'd get hungry. I usually order in when I'm working late, so I figured I'd get enough for two.” Rylan didn't seem put off by the edge in my voice.

“You're staying too?” I tried not to scowl. One of the things I liked about security system work was that I usually had to do it after the offices were empty, which meant I only had the occasional security guard checking in on me.

Rylan gave me a small smile. “I know there are a lot of companies that give free reign, but no one gets on my computers or my server for the first time without me there. Sorry, Jenna. You're stuck with me for the duration of this assignment.”


I wasn't happy that Rylan was staying while I worked, and even less so when I realized he fully intended to be right there the entire time. He wasn't hovering, but it was close. It wasn't that I couldn't work with someone watching me. It was more that I didn't like to, especially when that someone was a man I

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